Thursday, September 01, 2011

Something about a new month

The first day of fall isn't until September 23rd but I definitely feel fall in the air. 

Fall is probably my absolutely favourite season. It's the fall clothes, the fall weather,  the fall colours on the trees and my favourite holiday Halloween. I love fall. Lately with the sun setting earlier and rising later plus a wee chill in the air in the morning it definitely feels like fall. 

There is also something about a new month that brings a sense of optimism and fresh start. 

I'm gung ho to get back on track and realize that my little rut can be overcome. Heck I've done it before and I can do it again. Life happens, what matters is that you dust yourself off and keep going. 

The Bodymedia has me thinking a little differently as well. One I'm pretty active in my normal life. I'm also finding the counting calories interesting. For example one Hershey's Kiss doesn't really register as a point in WW. There are roughly 23 calories in a Hershey's kiss. So when your goal is specific number of calories 23 makes a difference. Have I mentioned that I can be a bit of a perfectionist?

I still like the points as it makes it simple to track your day but this is an interesting exercise. 

My half hour early flight wound up getting us home right in time for traffic so time was actually won. Wound up going to a pub for dinner with K and her friend T. It was a nice night with a trip to Chapters and Starbucks. 

After that I used my recent collection of gift cards on a new Lululemon hoody and a few books from Chapters. I didn't have gift card when I was in the store earlier. Rebooted my KOBO as it was having a few issues but that was super easy and fast. 

Tomorrow I meet my friend P for lunch and it will put me very close to MEC and I think I need a new fleece jacket this fall. I also need to run tomorrow so that will happen. 

I am determined to let a positive mind set rule. 

Hope you had a good day,


1 comment:

Fatoutofskinny said...

Positive thinking = positive outcome. You can do it!