Saturday, September 17, 2011

I'm the boss

Hello my friends,

At today's WW meeting I picked up the weekly flyer and saw that the theme was "you're the boss of you". That came at the right time for me. My tracking derailed a little starting on Wednesday. I did go back today and filled everything in and whoa it's a miracle I stayed the same today.

I was back at the first meeting of the day today which is definitely the one I prefer. More people go to that one so there's always a good dialogue. Today we just reviewed last week's meeting with the sub but it was good a reminder. Like always count alcohol to what the book or online tracker says, don't use NI as the sugars in alcohol don't necessarily show up in the NI and of course whether it's lower in calories or not it's not exactly a power food.

I really like the quote at today's meeting.

"It doesn't matter what you can do, what matters is what you will do" and we talked again about "Want Power vs Will Power".

The whole I'm the boss was a good reminder as I was dipping a little too much into the candy bowl on my desk this week. Ridiculously so on Wednesday and Thursday combined with other not thought out decisions and that's directly linked with my stressful work situation. However, I did have a choice and the power was mine.

My leader encouraged us to eat the weekly points and to make sure we do eat some of the activity points. If you earn 2 maybe not but if you earn 8 maybe you want to eat at least half.

That got me thinking, so when I came home I looked up the wendi plan again and decided to try that this week. If you're unfamiliar with the wendi plan check it out. It's no different then the regular WW plan it's just how you distribute the points.

I'm not doing it to try to break a plateau as my lack of progress is completely engineered by myself but more to have a structured way to use my Weekly Points. So today was my high point day and I'll follow it for the week and see what happens.

My tracking calories on the BodyMedia is secondary to WW. I do track both but I pay more attention to points vs the calories as there is definitely good calories vs bad calories-of course the WW don't factor in calories on the ProPoints plan.

I spent half the day in the gym today. I did 8 sets of run 90 seconds, walk 2 min or the final day of week 2 of C25K. It felt really good so I am going to move on to week 3 tomorrow...eek.

Then I went to Zumba for an hour. I really have no idea what I'm doing in this class but it's fun. Our instructor has this wicked Romanian accent and sometimes I have no idea what she's saying. Today she's telling us that at some point we'll have to swish and buh buh...okay..????

The good thing is probably 90% of the class has no idea what they're doing either so you fit right in. It was still a good workout and I find it ridiculously fun.

I also went to the 60min Iron Reps class, I went a little down in weights this week as last week I was losing form last week which is never good. It was still rough as my muscles were exhausted.

After Iron Reps I zipped through Safeway for a few groceries. I really need to get my act together with only 3 days at home a week. Any food shopping should happen on Friday.

Oh and there was also the 40min of additional walking just going to weigh in and then back home after grocery shopping.

According to BodyMedia 177 minutes of activity, 140 mins Moderate and 37 mins Vigourous.

By the time I got home at 2pm I was done. I went to Walmart in between WI and the gym and picked up Inside Fitness magazine. It has some really interesting articles and even though it seems really aimed at body builders they have good general nutrition/ workout info as well. Plus I liked that it was Canadian.

Hope you all had a great Saturday.


1 comment:

Wallflower said...

haha your Zumba class sounds like fun.."swish and buh buh.." :] sounds like a busy day!