It's snowing, this wasn't forecasted and it's the first day of spring (well at 5pmish here). That's just weird, we're supposed to have plus 10 today.
Yesterday was iffy food wise, I was doing really well all day. Discovered that if I add a Nestea single flavour pack thing to my second litre of water I'll actually drink it. I've tried the Citrus and the Tangerine one and I like both. I use one packet for 1 litre of water. I find it perfect that way not to sweet and it's only 5cal a pack so 0pts as well.
Met with H after work and we went to this place called Chachi's for a sandwich. It was called "The Veg" and it was scrumptious. We each had a side of their mac n' cheese which was also really really good.
Then I headed over to Walmart in search of the Nutrigrain Peanut Sweet and Salty bars, over the week simply the sign with the price has been there no bars. I found the Almond ones and there really good (3pts a bar). However, the peanut ones taste like an Oh Henry bar and H is quite fond of them. I live closer to Walmart than she does so I said I'd pop in. I also wanted to pick up "Why Mr Right can't find you". It intrigued me. Alas no peanut bars, got the book and and a fitness RX magazine. Then I got some hershey's light syrop and then....emotional demon took over andI bought hershey's microwaveable fudge sundae topping and caramel pecan ice cream. Went home and made myself a sundae...stupid, stupid, stupid.
Ah yes, got a text msg from the boy at 10:58pm saying "What's happenin 2night?". I didn't respond as I went to bed at 9 to avoid snacking. We'll see if he texts again and then I can be very direct as to what the heck is going on.
Happy Tuesday!
Just remember today is a new day (that sundae sounds so friggin delicious!)
It's hard for us Canucks up here...we don't have all the great products that they do in the States. I just had a Fiber one bar (my last one from my stash)
The Nestea singles sound pretty good actually. I'm not a HUGE fan of ice tea but the flavors sound kinda good, I'll have to give em a try!
You got the crappy weather too eh? It was suppose to be nice a warm today, instead it's cold and there's fresh snow on the ground!!
The sundae sounds good, just remember today's a new day!!
BTW I moved http://byebyefatpants.blogspot.com/
Forget the sundae - it's one teeeeny-tiny blip in the entire week.
And what a great strategy on going to bed early to avoid snacking (and the boy!).
wow...i go to bed too just that i don't snack!!!!
snackers unite!!!
are we still on for toronto this summer??
I was just going to ask the same question as Duenneschen - let's set a goal for our shopping trip this summer! My preference would be late July / early August, so that I have some time to lose some more....
I'm totally game for shopping in Toronto and was about to ask you guys about that. I'd also like more time because I really want to be at goal by August. Sonya and I have long weekend on Aug.6th. I'll throw that out there for now. Alot of my office mates are on vacation in there so I might need to play with that. What do you guys think?
I'm totally game! I think Duenne also has an American holiday long weekend around that time, but I could be wrong.
August 6th - to be at goal, or very close to it!!! Yay!!!
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