Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Eve of Christmas Eve

Hello my friends,

Ok I had the urge to blog. I have to share pictures of the cats who I refer to collectively as my angels. I talk to them like they know what I'm saying which is ridiculous as they are not even house cats and still feral.

This is feeding time, my favourite time as they treat me like a rock star and rush the bowl. Clockwise from the top: Maxi, Mama Meow, Dusty, Spook and Fred. I brought them a few cans of Fancy Feast as a treat and Oh boy do they enjoy that.

Here is Dusty scaring me by climbing a very skinny tree to get a better look at the bird feeder.

Then there's Spook the intrepid hunter who likes to sit right in the middle of the bird feed. He's not a successful hunter.

Alright my other musings can wait.

I want to wish all of you a Wonderful Christmas.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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