I went grocery shopping and left with only what I needed which is a major victory this time of year. Safeway has almond tarts at Christmas and I love, love, love these. A few weeks ago I came home with a pack it’s bad news.
I will have them at Christmas (in moderation) and not before. I want complete focus until Christmas, partake in only my absolute favourites (the list is short) and then back on plan. My favourites include those tarts, chocolate covered marzipan and that’s about it. My family doesn’t do turkey and my baking goes out the door to neighbours and the office.
I came home with a few Smart Ones frozen meals as emergency dinners. My favourite is the fettuccine with broccoli, but I picked up a few new ones the quesadilla and the Florentine lasagne.
I walked a total of 8.2K today, 3.7k to and from grocery store and the 4.5k walk around the hood this afternoon. This earned 5 activity points today that will stay banked.
All food today is in the tracker and I’m on goal to hit my target points again no flex. I don’t want to eat anything after 6pm as bedtime will be 8pm as I have to catch the Monday plane in the wee hours of the morning.
I’m saving all the flex points for site in case I need them.
Hope you’re having a fabulous Sunday.