Monday, August 06, 2012


Now here's the reality of it, you don't want to be walking off with any regrets. 

Be annoyed, go cry. You're on the line between breaking point and breaking through.

In struggle you'll find strength, now GET OVER THAT LINE. Dig for that extra inch, take the best you can do and do better. 

Every second is a moment in time but this second is a moment in history. 

While waiting for my cab at 4am this morning the Olympic Powerade commercial came on and the words above were spoken with a rather inspiring musical score that gave me goosebumps. 

So with this commercial in my head I did hit the treadmill after work, however I am finding after being awake and functioning for 15 hours it's hard. Perhaps Mondays would be a better cross training day. I mostly walked on the treadmill tonight, I walk/ran for the first 15 min. 

All in 47 min, 2.95 miles, 15.57min/mile, 415 calories burned.

What further complicated my run tonight was when I got to camp I was hungry so I stopped for dinner first. Monday's are always a weird food day to plan due to the number of hours of being awake and somewhat functioning. So for the rest of the week I'm planning a run on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. Tomorrow I want to go row or do the 5-Factor workout on DVD. 

I brought this thing with me this trip

This is the most genius contraption for tea that I've ever seen. You put loose tea and hot water in it, let it steep then when you're ready just place it over a mug and the tea drains into the mug. I bought one from Teavana which is the one pictured. I liked it so much I got another one for home from the now defunct Teopia (taken over by Teavana). 

Now I must go hop into the shower, then pjs as it's been a long day. 

Hope you had a great Monday.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is a long day. I find I am good at the get up and go, go, go for only about 12 hours. After that I just want to stop, stop, stop. :)