Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Should of stuck to the plan

Hello my friends
The week is flying by.
Monday - all day meeting went well though I did have a little too much fun with the catering but that's why I was saving my WP points. I did not go for dinner with the group at The Keg as I figured that was just dangerous point wise.

Tuesday - woke up on my own at 3:30am, it started to snow the moment I put one foot out of the cab when I got to the airport. Of course Tuesday is later meeting day so by the time I got back to camp I was running on fumes.

Today - run day and I had a plan. After work I was going to go straight to my room and grab a PB&J sandwich from the kitchen on the way. I was going to change and go do 5 miles on the treadmill then come back to my room and have the sandwich for dinner. Well that didn't happen. I got back to camp tonight and wound up eating with a friend. My dinner was half a grilled cheese sandwich and sweet potato fries. I did go to my room, change and headed to the gym. Running on a full stomach - not a good idea. I felt off and lasted a measly 1.7 miles.

Fly home tomorrow and I need to sort out this weekend. The temperature is dropping and on Sunday it's supposed to be -17C. So I need to do 5 miles on Friday and weather is still ok. Saturday is still ok and I'm meeting a friend for coffee and a jaunt to the running room so I can get some gels. I think I felt icky after last Sunday's because I ignored fuel rules. I really should know better.

I'm wondering if I should find an inside track for the 9 miles on Sunday or run that on Saturday or just dress right and embrace -17. Have I mentioned I'm a planner....

I'll sort it out. Hope your week is going well.



Enz said...

Looking forward to hearing how you sort it out. I like plans too...but no way can I convince myself that running in the cold is a good idea!

Kim said...

I am tired just hearing about all the miles. I need to really get on track and get moving. I can only walk about a mile and a half. Hope you enjoy the outside running.