Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Where did the last 2 days go?

I can't believe it's already Tuesday night. It's been a fast week so far.

Monday it was super foggy when the plane got close to our landing strip. I'm talking Harry Potter ominous foggy to the extent I didn't think we could land. If we couldn't land that would mean a 2hr bus ride from Fort McMurray.

Miraculously we landed but moments later the fog got worse. Other planes that day not so lucky. One that left 15min after mine took 6 hours to get to work due to delays, waiting for buses and that 2 hour ride.

Monday was long. Up at 3:45am and got to my camp room at 7:30pm. I had to stay up s little to watch Castle. I've more recently found that show and it's funny. I think I now have a crush on Nathan Fillion.

Today late meeting resulting in getting to my room at 7:30pm again. It was a good day. I absolutely adore the group I support.

I hauled up Halloween candy this week and my treat bowl. Heck I'm working on Halloween so I'll hand it our at work. It's very popular. I had a very full bowl Monday morning and there is a significant dent today. I will be restocking for Monday.

This morning it was actually snowing. Oy vey it looks like I'll be winterized next week just to be careful.

Tomorrow should not be a late day so I can actually go to the gym. My hamstrings have been uber tight. So I must focus on the post run stretching.

Alright that's all I got. Hope you all had a great last few days.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

carla said...

oooh the hamstrings are my nemesis too.
