Up at 4am, in cab by 4:40pm, plane leaves 6:10am, got to work and swooped straight into meetings. I checked my email for the first time at noon.
Then it was meeting after meeting. I got to camp by 7:30pm. Had dinner and I am know laying on my bed and typing to you.
I had my first glass of water 5 min ago.
Today was just crazy. Tomorrow looks busy too but no late meetings so I can run.
Heck I have yet to track anything. Quite impressed that I stayed coherent and relatively intelligent as I was running on fumes by 4:30pm.
I did bring the coolest thing I found in Kingston with me. It's a collapsible laundry hamper. I found it in the Queen's university bookstore. It's perfect for my camp room. I put my backpack next to it for scale. It has handles so I can carry it to the laundry room. Collapsed it's the size of a small dinner plate. I love it.

Hope you all had a fabulous Tuesday.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Wow, crazy day, get some sleep.
My girls use hampers like that in college.
Hope tomorrow you have more time. I love the folding hampers. They are awesome.
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