Thursday, April 06, 2006

Oy Vey it's only Thursday

It's been raining for two days and I don't like it. At least it can be sunny and snowing. At least you don't have to shovel rain :)

Was supposed to go out for dinner tonight and see a movie but friends had logistical challenges and rescheduled for two weeks from now. I'm kinda blah about that, I was looking forward to this even though it made my points for today a bit of a challenge. Now I can have a lower point dinner since we had lunch provided I had no idea what to count it as. There were wraps from Jugo Juice. Now even though Jugo sounds healthy most of their smoothies are huge in points and I don't hold too much faith in their wraps. I did pick a whole wheat one and they were pretty skinny so I guessed.

So now I'm fighting the urge to go shopping and go home and clean my house instead.

Reserved a hotel room in Hawaii for December. It's funny I haven't even done the half marathon in Vancouver yet and I'm alread looking forward to Hawaii. I need to learn patience :)

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