A new week and renewed focus that was very temporarily swayed by starburst at main reception. I quickly asked myself "Why am I eating this?", had no good answer so I filled my water bottle instead.
I wasn't kidding when I said take it minute by minute and I'll need that this week as I pretty much blew all my flex pts on the weekend. More inspiration to get activity in. Did 8km with H yesterday, on Saturday did 3Km plus 30min of yoga. Tonight I hope to clean out my flower beds (1-1.5hrs of work) and 30min of yoga. Of course I avoided all yard work on the weekend. Planning to do it this weekend but now my Dad is coming in to town so I figured I could get some of it done before the expected downfall of rain.
I also need to walk to the mall and back at lunch so that's about a 30min walk.
Yesterday wasn't too bad food wise until I went out to dinner with my friend A and we went to Boston Pizza. She just moved back into town, she also follows WW so I'm hoping we can keep each other accountable. Add one more friend into the fold of weight loss support. After finally seeing a loss on Thursday, I really really want to see another one on Saturday. Boston Pizza wasn't too bad until it came to dessert. I love their maple blondie and rarely have it.
So the focus this week is minute by minute.
Have a great week everybody!
Monday, April 30, 2007
Friday, April 27, 2007

As I walked out the door this morning I was greeted by my neighbour's two West Highland Terriers, they took one look at me and tails started to wag and they were straining on their leash to say hi. They're so cute! I normally don't care for small dogs, I love all dogs but I don't see myself in the possession of a small dog. The thing I like about Westies is that they might be small but they think they're big. What a great way to approach life.
When you're feeling small and inconsiquential always remember that you can play with the big dogs.
Great quote I passed on the way in, "According to my calculations - escalators+slinky= everlasting fun".
After work yesterday I headed over to Roots with H because their yoga stuff was 25% off. Nothing fit right, I felt like a sausage in all the pants. I didn't let it get to me, their stuff is just not designed for short waisted people. Plus there are plenty of companies that make yoga stuff. I also came to the realization that a lot can happen in a month. I have 1 month until the yoga seminar I'm going to.
No more goofying around for me, I'm going to set some fitness goals for the next month breaking it down by week and by day (I think I need to make shorter time frame goals to actually keep at it.) This will include the training for the half marathon, yoga and strength. I've pretty much been maintaining for the awhile and I need to shake things up. Tonight when I get home I'm going to plunk the calendar off the mall and write these goals down. I have two months until my yearly physical and I would like to get a kudos from my doctor too.
I know that to be successful I need to take it minute by minute. Even this morning, I debated over making lunch and thought about buying instead. Then I gave myself a talking to, I had already written my from home lunch in my tracker, so I made my salad. I'm also going to put off buying any new yoga gear until right before I leave for the seminar. The stuff I have now should not be seen in public :)
So on that note, don't beat yourselves up, don't feel like you've failed, don't give up. You can do anything you set your mind to. This weekend find time to celebrate yourself, there's no one out there like you :)
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Down 0.8
I'll take it, it's my first loss in a few weeks of staying the same. Now I have 9 days until next WI to keep it going. Of course today has been goofy food wise but that's o.k. That just means no dilly dallying this weekend. It will be OP. With a dentist appointment on Saturday and training with H on Sunday that won't be difficult.
Literally ran in and out of WI but I think I saw Shirls sitting in the front row. The weigh in lady congratulated me on my total of 20lbs lost, I was like huh?. Then I realized she did the math wrong, that would be 30lbs. I had to fix my book when I got back to the office. Since I was not feeling so well last week I thought I'd have to give up two coupons but today was registration for the price of one weigh in so I just "re-registered". Technically saving myself $15.
It looks like our transit is getting closer and closer to a strike so I need to unearth the bike from the shed this weekend and I think I'll set up my patio set as well which means raking the patio area. There that will earn a few extra APs. I haven't been on a bike in a long time but I think it comes back. I hope it comes back.
I was wicked tired when I got home and landed on the couch, started watching Keanu Reeves and Denzil Washington in a Shakespeare movie, of course the title escapes me now but it was entertaining.
Alas not too much going on today, doing some retail therapy with H after work today so that will be nice.
Have a great day everybody!
Literally ran in and out of WI but I think I saw Shirls sitting in the front row. The weigh in lady congratulated me on my total of 20lbs lost, I was like huh?. Then I realized she did the math wrong, that would be 30lbs. I had to fix my book when I got back to the office. Since I was not feeling so well last week I thought I'd have to give up two coupons but today was registration for the price of one weigh in so I just "re-registered". Technically saving myself $15.
It looks like our transit is getting closer and closer to a strike so I need to unearth the bike from the shed this weekend and I think I'll set up my patio set as well which means raking the patio area. There that will earn a few extra APs. I haven't been on a bike in a long time but I think it comes back. I hope it comes back.
I was wicked tired when I got home and landed on the couch, started watching Keanu Reeves and Denzil Washington in a Shakespeare movie, of course the title escapes me now but it was entertaining.
Alas not too much going on today, doing some retail therapy with H after work today so that will be nice.
Have a great day everybody!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Little surprises
Unless you've been living under a rock, you've probably heard of facebook. I stumbled on there due to an invite from a friend and really didn't think that much about it. I'm not the type of person to have a large social circle. I have a group of best friends, a few friends I see every so often.
I was super suprised to see some names from the past pop up on facebook. With each new name brought delight and of course nostalgia. I'm really honoured that they remember me or recognized my name that brought them back into my realm.
I always thought of friendships in spheres. You have your work, school, lifestyle friends. Typically when the environment of that friendship changes ie. change jobs, those friendships change as well. I think that people come into your life for a reason, you may not know the reason while they're there but I think you figure it out eventually.
Well went out for Indian last night and it was awesome. I didn't even use all my flex pts. Today I must be good because WI is tomorrow morning. I think my aps will be cleaning my house.
Have a great day everybody!
I was super suprised to see some names from the past pop up on facebook. With each new name brought delight and of course nostalgia. I'm really honoured that they remember me or recognized my name that brought them back into my realm.
I always thought of friendships in spheres. You have your work, school, lifestyle friends. Typically when the environment of that friendship changes ie. change jobs, those friendships change as well. I think that people come into your life for a reason, you may not know the reason while they're there but I think you figure it out eventually.
Well went out for Indian last night and it was awesome. I didn't even use all my flex pts. Today I must be good because WI is tomorrow morning. I think my aps will be cleaning my house.
Have a great day everybody!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Tuesday musings
Whoo what a day already. Had a traumatizing trip on the bus, praying no one would bump into the birthday cake which was in a duffel bag padded with grocery bags. It got dicey as the bus was wicked packed. Cake got here with no problems and is now resting in the boardroom as I suspect it was super cold.
Then I got to work and got to deal with an irrational high maintenance individual. Got that taken care of. I'm so looking forward to dinner tonight. I'm going to walk to the restaurant after work (roughly 15 blocks) so that will earn me a bit of AP before hand. I have 10pts and 29 flex left so I think I'm good to go. My intention is to shoot for healthy choices. We're going to an Indian restaurant called Moti Mahal. It's been around for a very long time and always comes highly recommended. I had turkey/ham sub from Subway for lunch and now it's water, water, water. I will have a wee bitty piece of birthday cake as I'm curious to how it turned out.
Workout wise was treking home from Walmart last night, I found fruit gummy slices to put on top of the cake around the border and then made two gummy flowers on top of the cake (so everyone gets a piece of gummy candy - the grief I would get if they didn't).
My dining room table and kitchen are a disaster from the cake festivities. I typically curse a lot when frosting cakes - it brings out the worst in me. This time wasn't so bad, so perhaps there's hope. I didn't even want to deal with it once I was done.
I have to keep reminding myself that I'm weighing in on Thursday. I should seriously put my WI book on top of the t.v.
Have groovy day everybody!
Then I got to work and got to deal with an irrational high maintenance individual. Got that taken care of. I'm so looking forward to dinner tonight. I'm going to walk to the restaurant after work (roughly 15 blocks) so that will earn me a bit of AP before hand. I have 10pts and 29 flex left so I think I'm good to go. My intention is to shoot for healthy choices. We're going to an Indian restaurant called Moti Mahal. It's been around for a very long time and always comes highly recommended. I had turkey/ham sub from Subway for lunch and now it's water, water, water. I will have a wee bitty piece of birthday cake as I'm curious to how it turned out.
Workout wise was treking home from Walmart last night, I found fruit gummy slices to put on top of the cake around the border and then made two gummy flowers on top of the cake (so everyone gets a piece of gummy candy - the grief I would get if they didn't).
My dining room table and kitchen are a disaster from the cake festivities. I typically curse a lot when frosting cakes - it brings out the worst in me. This time wasn't so bad, so perhaps there's hope. I didn't even want to deal with it once I was done.
I have to keep reminding myself that I'm weighing in on Thursday. I should seriously put my WI book on top of the t.v.
Have groovy day everybody!
Monday, April 23, 2007
Updates and musings
I haven't posted since Friday so this might be long...
Let's start with Saturday:
Woke up with a splitting headache, the kind of headache that any noise whatsoever drives you bananas. I decided to take some advil and skip the meeting (my meeting is loud), thinking I'll just go to the second one. Well I woke up at 10:30am so I missed both meetings. I weighed myself at home and was exactly the same as last Saturday so I'm pretty positive it would be a stay the same. Apparently I have this maintaining thing down. I took that as inpiration to behave on Saturday and I did use 5 flex points. I went a wee over because I spent 2.5 hours finishing my last and final paper for Human Organization Behaviours course and I needed sustenance. Zipped that paper over to H for a final look through.
Met H at the pathway for 12km walk, me beat our time from last time by 15min. Not too shabby. Got home and changed and then headed out with A to look at Condos. Everytime I walk into these places it makes me think how old my house is (1950) but I don't care I like it. It could use a reno but I need to win the lottery for that :) Got home and then super woman kicked in. Made final modifications on paper and submitted it, baked a cake that the stupid dark pans once again burnt, zipped to Walmart and bought new pans and new cake mix. Tried again and this time perfecto. Made fruit salad, did laundry and actually put laundry away. Wound up earning 11APs.
Weighed myself this morning and I was down a pound...whoo hoo. I need to WI this Thursday at 7am because on Saturday I have a conflicting dentist appointment. I'm saving the rest of my flex for dinner on Tuesday (East Indian) and then it will be water, water, water on Wednesday.
Oy vey! I need new clothes and this causes a love/hate thing. I'm not where I want to be and there will a few more sizes in between. I don't want to go crazy but sort of buy transitional pieces or cheap. Luckily it's spring so I can update some things. I seriously need to go to payless...maybe tonight.
The cake I baked is for my boss's birthday it's vanilla cake with a layer of lemon curd in between and then frosted with vanilla frosting - I didn't want to over do the lemon. I'm going to try to find some jelly fruit to but around the border. It's her 50th birthday so I think fun and frivolous would be appropriate.
I'm going to a yoga retreat at the end of May, wowsers do I need to get into geat so I'm not completely useless.
Hope everyone has a super fabulous week!
Let's start with Saturday:
Woke up with a splitting headache, the kind of headache that any noise whatsoever drives you bananas. I decided to take some advil and skip the meeting (my meeting is loud), thinking I'll just go to the second one. Well I woke up at 10:30am so I missed both meetings. I weighed myself at home and was exactly the same as last Saturday so I'm pretty positive it would be a stay the same. Apparently I have this maintaining thing down. I took that as inpiration to behave on Saturday and I did use 5 flex points. I went a wee over because I spent 2.5 hours finishing my last and final paper for Human Organization Behaviours course and I needed sustenance. Zipped that paper over to H for a final look through.
Met H at the pathway for 12km walk, me beat our time from last time by 15min. Not too shabby. Got home and changed and then headed out with A to look at Condos. Everytime I walk into these places it makes me think how old my house is (1950) but I don't care I like it. It could use a reno but I need to win the lottery for that :) Got home and then super woman kicked in. Made final modifications on paper and submitted it, baked a cake that the stupid dark pans once again burnt, zipped to Walmart and bought new pans and new cake mix. Tried again and this time perfecto. Made fruit salad, did laundry and actually put laundry away. Wound up earning 11APs.
Weighed myself this morning and I was down a pound...whoo hoo. I need to WI this Thursday at 7am because on Saturday I have a conflicting dentist appointment. I'm saving the rest of my flex for dinner on Tuesday (East Indian) and then it will be water, water, water on Wednesday.
Oy vey! I need new clothes and this causes a love/hate thing. I'm not where I want to be and there will a few more sizes in between. I don't want to go crazy but sort of buy transitional pieces or cheap. Luckily it's spring so I can update some things. I seriously need to go to payless...maybe tonight.
The cake I baked is for my boss's birthday it's vanilla cake with a layer of lemon curd in between and then frosted with vanilla frosting - I didn't want to over do the lemon. I'm going to try to find some jelly fruit to but around the border. It's her 50th birthday so I think fun and frivolous would be appropriate.
I'm going to a yoga retreat at the end of May, wowsers do I need to get into geat so I'm not completely useless.
Hope everyone has a super fabulous week!
Friday, April 20, 2007
Slurpee on the ground
Bit of workout this morning shovelling my sidewalk, that stuff is heavy! It's like shovelling slurpee and then you have this slippery film left on the sidewalk. I'm so Canadian, that I went out there after shovelling and put salt/gravel down in fear that someone might slip.
Whoo Hoo to the Flames making this a series. I ♥ Kipper! By far one the best goalies in the game. I wonder if he does yoga. I was falling asleep on the couch by 8:30pm, didn't even watch Ugly Betty but I think I had the vcr programmed to tape it..I hope so.
Dreading WI which is no different than last week, I've yet another goofy week due to poor time management. I'm getting better but want to be a pro. I'm thinking of buying a slow cooker this weekend to facilitate the dinner dilemmas. Plus I had events this week that don't normally happen so that tossed a bit of wrench in. I'm not giving up, my training for the half marathon will be ramping up as soon as it's not totally dangerous to hit the pavement. My course is finished this week and I'm on waiting lists for two other classes that don't start until May 15, so if I can't get in I'll have few months off to really focus.
I have a great day planned today and a new week starts tomorrow.
Have a super great Friday everybody!
Whoo Hoo to the Flames making this a series. I ♥ Kipper! By far one the best goalies in the game. I wonder if he does yoga. I was falling asleep on the couch by 8:30pm, didn't even watch Ugly Betty but I think I had the vcr programmed to tape it..I hope so.
Dreading WI which is no different than last week, I've yet another goofy week due to poor time management. I'm getting better but want to be a pro. I'm thinking of buying a slow cooker this weekend to facilitate the dinner dilemmas. Plus I had events this week that don't normally happen so that tossed a bit of wrench in. I'm not giving up, my training for the half marathon will be ramping up as soon as it's not totally dangerous to hit the pavement. My course is finished this week and I'm on waiting lists for two other classes that don't start until May 15, so if I can't get in I'll have few months off to really focus.
I have a great day planned today and a new week starts tomorrow.
Have a super great Friday everybody!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Early Start

I was on a bus at just after 6am this morning to attend a software information seminar in which the projections screen didn't work. So I sat for an hour and listened to someone read the hand out. There were muffins and donuts...I was bored = pastry sabotage. Alas the day is not over and quite frankly I'm craving veggies so I'm not too worried about today. Maybe it's a good thing to get bad behaviour out of the way early.
Last night I went to the salon and got my hair cut and coloured. I call it rockstar hair and I will post a pic when I get home (Dark dark brown with a few vibrant red highlights). I was too tired last night. I walked home from the mall in the snow/rain and it coated my glasses and then when I wiped them off made them foggy. I could probably walk that route blindfolded but I did pause at intersections peered over my glasses to see if I could see headlights.
Had time to kill before my appointment got sukiyaki beef, at about a 1/3rd of it and focused on the veggies, went to Walmart to see if I could find a cute cardigan that I had seen a few days before (no cardigan), got more Nestea (to take to work this time) and the new Oreo wafer thins. There 3pts for a pack. Not tremendously oreo in flavour but a nice light cookie, there are two wafers in each pack. I like that fact that it's divided in serving sizes.
I really want to find the Hostess 100cal packs but I have yet to see them in my fair city, I don't even know if they're available in Canada.
Drank loads of water yesterday that resulted in me seeing most of the people I work with as I trucked too and from the washrooms.
For those who were wondering: EVOO is extra virgin olive oil. Rachel Ray uses the term EVOO a lot.
Flames fever is abundant in my city, I didn't see too many jerseys this morning but mind you I was out fairly early. I did see city buses flashing the "Go Flames Go". I watched the game on tv on Tuesday and I was so proud of my city and the sea of red. We get 100% behind our hockey team, there are car flags and jerseys all over this city. For all the ex-pats out there, the red mile is being watched carefully by our boys in blue. They handed out over a hundred fines for things like honking and running around with your beer bottle. All in all we're pretty well behaved fans. No store fronts have been broken or fire hydrants ripped out and no piliging has occured when we've won or lost. That spirit is renewed every year time after time.
I hope Kipper is well rested. That man is one hell of a goaltender.
Go Flames Go!!!!!!
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Heavy Snowfall Warning

It's spring in Cowtown, which means stupid weather patterns. Chance of 35cm of snow by tomorrow. Yay...ah no. I'm hoping it doesn't snow gobs tonight as I will be hanging out at my local mall until my hair appointment at 6:15pm and then it's a cut and highlights so goodness knows when I'll be done. I'm hoping not to be slugging through mega snow on my way home. I did bring a toque and umbrella just in case. However if it does snow my neighbours will have a show of me frantically tossing fertilizer on my lawn. Then I suspect they will all be out doing the same thing.
Went out to dinner last night splurged on dessert and then it was so so. How incredibly disappointing, but I paid for it with an upset stomach later. I have been one mega rebel lately in kinda sorta following the plan, I don't know what's wrong with me. I did have a good think about it this morning and felt it down in my soul that if I don't start getting my act together all the hard work thus far will be lost. So tracker is with me, almost 1l down before 10am and I brought my lunch. Tonight will dinner at Subway so I don't get home starving and eat anything. I have 3 days before WI I can turn myself around. I'm going to go back to writing in my tracker my I'm eating what I'm eating ie. breakfast, lunch, snack, bored, have no idea. I think then I'll think twice before going snack crazy.
Caught the last half of Gilmour Girls and I thought it was blah. It seems like everything is just wrapping up. However was super happy with the results of the Flames game, though I was dosing off in the 2nd period and then went to bed.
Have to be at work uber early tomorrow for a computer training/ info session. My workplace is so ridiculous right now, infused with drama. Put a tv crew in here and we would be the next soap. At a meeting there was a vote as to when to have this training session. Majority voted for the morning it was decided. Now people are saying "I didn't vote for that", oh please. These people are acting like their in kindergarten. I don't get it, I'm trying to be a duck and just let it all roll off. Life is too short to get caught up in stupidity.
I should so watch the Secret again, everytime I watch that I have a more positive energy. I haven't written in my gratitude book for weeks and I've got a plain white poster board on my wall that is to be my vision board, but I haven't put anything on it yet. I think it's time to take care of that and make a conscious effort to think positively.
On that note: Count your blessing today, you'll be amazed at how many you have.
Peace out!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Found it!

My tracking book (the newer version than the pic) was on the coffee table under the tv listings, how I missed it - I have no clue but I'm happy now. Those paper trackers drive me crazy just in how quickly I can destroy them. So I transferred the last three days into the book and discovered that on Sunday I had written a couple of things down twice (once in planning and then again after consumed), so yay me it wasn't quite the food a palooza I had thought.
Yesterday I swung by my second home (Walmart) and picked up a few of those Nestea singles (on sale), these are the saviours to my water drinking, I put one in a litre of water and it just makes it more interesting. I do aim for one litre of clear water a day in addition. I also picked up a candy thermometer for under $5, take that Micheal's and your $37 version. For $37 dollars it better do something else...like laundry.
I also went to Safeway to get a loaf of Como bread, it's 1pt for a slice. Has a sourdoughy taste. I think it's low in points because it has a lot of bubbles, it's not a dense bread. I made spaghetti squash for supper, I love spaghetti squash and had a piece of that on the side.
I'm trying to get creative food wise, I always find (especially following flex plan) that I get into a routine with food. The same thing for most of the day, everyday just because I know the points. I also find I have an aversion to recipes with long ingredient lists. I like to make stuff up or follow a recipe of less than 6 ingredients. I'm totally into the food network just to get ideas but I do find most of the shows are not so concerned with nutritional info (i.e Paula Dean - butter in everything). I enjoy Dave Lieberman, just because he's a cutie patootie but also because he typically uses a budget. Rachel Ray's figure friendly recipes always seem to have an awful lot of EVOO.
Fairly Random today...on that note...Have a Groovy Day!
Monday, April 16, 2007
And the beat goes on

Alas time has flown once again.
Friday ran away with me. On Saturday my papa came into to town so errands were done and two hockey games were watched. On Sunday after loading the truck at 7am with scaffolding, ladders and old paint cans, Dad went home and I headed off to meet H for a 16k walk.
It was gorgeous out and thanks to our creative planning we avoided the Chinook Half Marathon people. Of coure neither of us realized there was a race on until I got to Eau Claire and saw all the race numbers. I had a fuel gel for the first time in 4 months. I definitely like the GU brand better, I'll need to stock up on those again. The lemon is quite good and the chocolate tastes like chocolate pudding.
After the walk went home and proceeded to snack like crazy, I always find long distance days throw me off food wise. Did get completely caught up with my class discussion board postings, now there's one last chapter and one last paper.
Still need to sign up for the next one and do my taxes.
WI this week showed a stayed the same, which I'm really grateful for as this is the weigh in that's usually effected by the evil TOM.
Have misplaced my tracking book so I'm using the old fashioned paper ones and they irritate me. More inspiration to see what happened to my book
I must carefully plan tomorrow as I'm going out for lunch and for dinner. However I love the Thai salad at Milestone's.
Workout tonight will be walking home from the mall and yoga.
May everyone find their inspiration, never lose faith in themselves and celebrate themselves daily.
Peace Out!
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Doosie of a Day

Glutton behaviours have reared their ugly head my friends. Yesterday was not perfect but alright with the potluck and the chocolate peanut butter pie. Today has been down right stupid.
Two baked goods after I already had breakfast. A hodge podge of lunch made up of left overs from the pot luck (WW bun with a bit of spinach dip as a sandwich, a bit of potatoe salad and a wee slice of blueberry pie) aaannnnddd I'm going out for supper tonight. Why do I do this, I know it has a lot to do with PMS but really you think I'd learn my lesson by now.
I'm not beating myself up, it's one half of a day of silly decisions fueled by hormones.
I did do some dancing at the bus stop to "Busta Move" at least I think that's what the song was called. I just sort of nonchalantly bounced when I realized that people might see me.
Alas the day is not done, I'm drinking water like it's going out of style, already checked the menu online for healthy options. Providing I don't get home too late there will be a workout squeezed in. No alcohol or dessert or appetizer at the restaurant.
Yesterday I had a little spa day, pulled out my Origins face scrub and warming mask in the attempt to treat why poor shell shocked skin (winter, spring, winter, spring). A few moons ago I used to work for The Body Shop and I was a product goddess. I faithfully did my multiple steps of face care. Now I do the basics but I don't do the scrubs and masks as I used to. I think a lot of it has to do with how skin care is marketed now. There are far more multi-purpose face cloths out than ever before. What's so bad about every once in awhile slowing down the process and sit still for 15min with a face mask.
Take a few minutes to be at peace with yourselves today.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Dance like no one is watching

Oy vey time flies when you're not paying attention.
Yesterday went by in a flash, went home and made guacamole in the magic bullet to be part of a Mexican layer dip for today's potluck.
The potluck that was rescheduled from last week, the potluck that I sent 3 reminders about and the potluck that 1/3 of the staff forgot about. I'm officially retiring from planning things because it drives me bonkers.
They want a pot luck because they enjoy the food, yet they don't want to contribute. I fear I work in an "it's all about me" environment at the moment. The victim of rapid growth.
I left a lot of points for this potluck which is good as I had to order pizza because the people who did bring stuff consisted of appetizers and desserts. We'll have leftovers for the rest of the week which should please the masses.
I've been doing well this week and have seen some losses on the scale, I'm taking it day by day and drinking loads of water. There's been a lot of dancing around with the mp3. I love the new Hillary Duff song "With Love" (never thought I'd say those words) and Beyonce and Shakira's "Beautiful Liar"
Not to much to say really, just going through the paces.
Monday, April 09, 2007
Quiet Monday
Today will be interesting, there was far less people on my bus then usual and not so many people zipping around. My phone has not rung once. In other words today is a catch up day.
Yesterday was a bit of disaster food wise, I also spent the bulk of my day condo shopping with my friend. She's moving back to Calgary so the search for housing is on. We saw 4 and the first one we saw remains the favourite. It's actually a hop, skip and a jump from my house, her sister's house and her parent's house. I don't think I've had a friend live near me since Elementary school. The running around turned into snackapalooza, alas I'm o.k with it since I think it was hard food weekend for pretty much everyone.
I'm focused this week as this is typically a difficult week out of the month. The menus are planned and my focus is on exercise. I'm going to workout the minute I walk in the door, then school work, then whatever else strikes my attention. Zippo for school work was done this weekend due to the running around and general slacking off on Friday, so I need to be diligent. I just have 2 weeks left in this class so time is ticking.
I have two weeks left in WW book and I want them to be losses damn it! Plus I must put the training schedule into full effect now that I'm actually training for something. Did I mention I'm going to do the Half Marathon during the much loved Stampede...July 8th to be exact, time for an additional tracker up above.
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!
Yesterday was a bit of disaster food wise, I also spent the bulk of my day condo shopping with my friend. She's moving back to Calgary so the search for housing is on. We saw 4 and the first one we saw remains the favourite. It's actually a hop, skip and a jump from my house, her sister's house and her parent's house. I don't think I've had a friend live near me since Elementary school. The running around turned into snackapalooza, alas I'm o.k with it since I think it was hard food weekend for pretty much everyone.
I'm focused this week as this is typically a difficult week out of the month. The menus are planned and my focus is on exercise. I'm going to workout the minute I walk in the door, then school work, then whatever else strikes my attention. Zippo for school work was done this weekend due to the running around and general slacking off on Friday, so I need to be diligent. I just have 2 weeks left in this class so time is ticking.
I have two weeks left in WW book and I want them to be losses damn it! Plus I must put the training schedule into full effect now that I'm actually training for something. Did I mention I'm going to do the Half Marathon during the much loved Stampede...July 8th to be exact, time for an additional tracker up above.
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!
Saturday, April 07, 2007
But the brakes on
Up a pound this morning, can't say I was surprised and I definitely think the 10km power walk on Friday had an impact. I'm not beating myself up, I'm just going to start back at week 1 and make sure my portions haven't gone out of whack. None of my clothes feel tight so I think it maybe also due to muscles.
My friend was in town today so we went to see Blades of Glory. This is definitely a funny and silly movie. She actually went to to the WW directly after my regular meeting so I stayed for the second meeting. The first meeting was packed with regulars and there was a lively discussion about Easter treats. The second meeting was pretty empty and I found myself contributing more to fill in the silence. I definitely prefer the first meeting. We went grocery shopping and I picked up the ingredients to make a ground pork whole wheat lasagna. I'm just going to wing it and add zucchini and mushrooms to the traditional tomatoe and onion. I also picked up what I need for the potluck on Wednesday...hopefully...I always forget something.
Tomorrrow is a weird day for me, while everyone celebrates Easter it's also the 5th anniversary of the day my mother passed away. She was very ill at the time and I know she's at peace and happy now. I think I'll spend some time going through the photo albums and reflecting on happier times.
I do hope everyone has a safe and happy Easter holiday.
My friend was in town today so we went to see Blades of Glory. This is definitely a funny and silly movie. She actually went to to the WW directly after my regular meeting so I stayed for the second meeting. The first meeting was packed with regulars and there was a lively discussion about Easter treats. The second meeting was pretty empty and I found myself contributing more to fill in the silence. I definitely prefer the first meeting. We went grocery shopping and I picked up the ingredients to make a ground pork whole wheat lasagna. I'm just going to wing it and add zucchini and mushrooms to the traditional tomatoe and onion. I also picked up what I need for the potluck on Wednesday...hopefully...I always forget something.
Tomorrrow is a weird day for me, while everyone celebrates Easter it's also the 5th anniversary of the day my mother passed away. She was very ill at the time and I know she's at peace and happy now. I think I'll spend some time going through the photo albums and reflecting on happier times.
I do hope everyone has a safe and happy Easter holiday.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
The place is a buzz
This evening my office is hosting one of two events a year we do for our clients and craziness has struck.
The organizer has a habit of driving people crazy, politeness goes out the window and every request becomes a demand.
It will all be over by tonight but right now people are skulking around the office trying to avoid the gaze of the organizer. I have volunteered to man the name card table as I hate to schmooze and this way I get to say hi to everyone. I also had a chance to give input on the menu so there's healthy fair and not just trouble. Last year there was barely any vegetables or fruit so this year there's some choice. I shall be careful with my choices and drink copious amounts of water.
Last night I went to Walmart and found the Nutrigrain Sweet and Salty bars (finally) and new flavour of Nestea individual flavour packs for water bottles (Green Tea), also picked up Liptons version of lemon ice tea and another one that now escapes me. Went to Safeway and picked up a new thing by Dole, it's mango peach sorbet mixed with pineapple frozen yogurt. It works out to 2pts per half cup and it's lovely. Tart enough that you wouldn't want a huge bowl of it, but very refreshing and so makes me think of Hawaii. There's a raspberry/pomegranate version as well.
I swear the people of Walmart think I'm schizophrenic. I was cruising the aisles and found these half size bars from Haagen Daz, at first I thought neato and then I checked the NI. 5pts each... I'm fairly positive I said "I don't think so" out loud. I'm fairly certain I said "Cool" out loud upon finding the Nestea. Ah well at least I'm entertaining :)
Oy vey can't think of what else to say. Stayed OP yesterday, walked home from the mall even though it was snowing. The rest of my workout effort was dancing around the living room. It's going to be a late night tonight so no work out but there's a good walk with H planned for tomorrow.
Have a great Thursday!
The organizer has a habit of driving people crazy, politeness goes out the window and every request becomes a demand.
It will all be over by tonight but right now people are skulking around the office trying to avoid the gaze of the organizer. I have volunteered to man the name card table as I hate to schmooze and this way I get to say hi to everyone. I also had a chance to give input on the menu so there's healthy fair and not just trouble. Last year there was barely any vegetables or fruit so this year there's some choice. I shall be careful with my choices and drink copious amounts of water.
Last night I went to Walmart and found the Nutrigrain Sweet and Salty bars (finally) and new flavour of Nestea individual flavour packs for water bottles (Green Tea), also picked up Liptons version of lemon ice tea and another one that now escapes me. Went to Safeway and picked up a new thing by Dole, it's mango peach sorbet mixed with pineapple frozen yogurt. It works out to 2pts per half cup and it's lovely. Tart enough that you wouldn't want a huge bowl of it, but very refreshing and so makes me think of Hawaii. There's a raspberry/pomegranate version as well.
I swear the people of Walmart think I'm schizophrenic. I was cruising the aisles and found these half size bars from Haagen Daz, at first I thought neato and then I checked the NI. 5pts each... I'm fairly positive I said "I don't think so" out loud. I'm fairly certain I said "Cool" out loud upon finding the Nestea. Ah well at least I'm entertaining :)
Oy vey can't think of what else to say. Stayed OP yesterday, walked home from the mall even though it was snowing. The rest of my workout effort was dancing around the living room. It's going to be a late night tonight so no work out but there's a good walk with H planned for tomorrow.
Have a great Thursday!
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Shake your booty
After a whirlwind shopping expedition with H, I headed home yesterday and felt tired on the bus. I didn't want to work out, I just wanted to go home and chill. Well when I got home I immediately changed into workout clothes and popped in Hip Hop Abs. It's 30min of boppin around, not convinced it will result in killer abs but it did work up a sweat and I had fun.
I now realize I must keep my WW journal in sight at all times. At work it's tucked in my bag and that's when I'm most likely to deviate off program. At home it sits on my coffee table and when I feel a snack urge I just look at the tracker and I know it can't happen or I know what I can have to fit into the day. So on my desk it is, now I just have to remember to take it home.
Watched Search for the next PCD last night and I'm so happy Chelsea made the cut. I hope she works on the dancing because she is by far my favourite.
ANTW on tonight and rumour has it 50 Cent tosses one of the girls in the pool...
Happy Wednesday!
I now realize I must keep my WW journal in sight at all times. At work it's tucked in my bag and that's when I'm most likely to deviate off program. At home it sits on my coffee table and when I feel a snack urge I just look at the tracker and I know it can't happen or I know what I can have to fit into the day. So on my desk it is, now I just have to remember to take it home.
Watched Search for the next PCD last night and I'm so happy Chelsea made the cut. I hope she works on the dancing because she is by far my favourite.
ANTW on tonight and rumour has it 50 Cent tosses one of the girls in the pool...
Happy Wednesday!
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Cotton Candy Snow
I woke up this morning to a sea of white and it looked like a lot had fallen. I went out to shovel it and it was like shoveling fluff. It was so pretty, also annoying but pretty. I'm ready to wear flip flops not snow boots. Oh well it's Winter's last "take that" hopefully.
Chose to treat yesterday as a rest day as I just didn't feel quite right soreness wise. I'll do cardio for the remainder of the week. Thursday night I have to go to a work event at a swanky hotel that won't end until 9pm probably. I have today mapped out point wise and will do the same for the rest of week...with no deviations. I was bang on with water yesterday and did show a loss this a.m so I want to continue that trend.
Watched the Bachelor last night because I couldn't resist. I have to admit they picked a good one this time but I know it will be a train wreck from here on in. Some of those girls are certifiable for sure.
Alas, not much else to report today. Have a great Tuesday!
Chose to treat yesterday as a rest day as I just didn't feel quite right soreness wise. I'll do cardio for the remainder of the week. Thursday night I have to go to a work event at a swanky hotel that won't end until 9pm probably. I have today mapped out point wise and will do the same for the rest of week...with no deviations. I was bang on with water yesterday and did show a loss this a.m so I want to continue that trend.
Watched the Bachelor last night because I couldn't resist. I have to admit they picked a good one this time but I know it will be a train wreck from here on in. Some of those girls are certifiable for sure.
Alas, not much else to report today. Have a great Tuesday!
Monday, April 02, 2007
0 to 13km
Woke up to windchill of -17 this morning...whoo hoo! That is so Calgary.
Yesterday H and I were on the pathway and at about the 5km mark the snow started. Wispy at the beginning but by the time we finished our just under 13km it was blowing hard and straight at us. Note to self: pack layers in this crazy weather. I was definitely unprepared for the turn in weather.
We both bought fleece jackets (on sale) for the trip home because we were chilled to the bone. Of course we had a scrumptious brunch first.
I'm a wee bit sore today from that 13km, it's not that I haven't been walking but I walk as a part of my life. If I can walk somewhere I'll do that over any other transport. That isn't exactly the same walking I do with H. The training walking is proper form and fast. As I hobbled to the fridge this morning at the office my colleague asked me what I did this weekend. So I told her about the walk and she said "Wow you must be so toned". I had to laugh - "Yeah under all the fat".
Tonight will be strength training and I will be toned eventually.
Have a great day everybody!
Yesterday H and I were on the pathway and at about the 5km mark the snow started. Wispy at the beginning but by the time we finished our just under 13km it was blowing hard and straight at us. Note to self: pack layers in this crazy weather. I was definitely unprepared for the turn in weather.
We both bought fleece jackets (on sale) for the trip home because we were chilled to the bone. Of course we had a scrumptious brunch first.
I'm a wee bit sore today from that 13km, it's not that I haven't been walking but I walk as a part of my life. If I can walk somewhere I'll do that over any other transport. That isn't exactly the same walking I do with H. The training walking is proper form and fast. As I hobbled to the fridge this morning at the office my colleague asked me what I did this weekend. So I told her about the walk and she said "Wow you must be so toned". I had to laugh - "Yeah under all the fat".
Tonight will be strength training and I will be toned eventually.
Have a great day everybody!
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