Saturday, November 02, 2013

Goals for the next 6 weeks

Another snowfall warning for my fair city which had me a wee nervous as I wanted to return the rental car today as snow has been forecasted for Sunday for weeks. Of course the warning was set for today. I headed out at about 7:40 am, and it wasn't snowing yet. Took the car back, hopped the train back to the meeting. Stopped in at Starbucks first of course.

At the weigh in I was down .6, which is awesome. Factoring in my first 3 days of the week was breakfast at Tim Hortons and lunch at Dairy Queen while I was in Cochrane.

I walked into the meeting and there were far less people then usual but that could be because of the snow warning. I saw a couple of regulars plus new faces. The topic was what's in your toolkit. That got me thinking about things that worked for me in the past.

Like focusing on water, packing my lunch and only buying one day a week plus tracking like a maniac.

I abandoned my day count as I got a little messed up on my days back on WW as I switched weigh in days so I'm starting my count back at one as in today's meeting we were challenged to make a 6 week goal and revisit on December 14th.

Our leader asked us to write down a goal, fold the piece of paper and put our name on the top. I'm guessing we'll see these again on December 4th.

I had 3 goals:
Lose 12 lbs (that's 2 lbs per week)
Drink 6 glasses of water per day, especially with winter coming it's just plain good for me.
Track every single day for the next 6 weeks.

Now by the time we left the meeting the snow started so I popped into Safeway quickly to grab a few things primarily to pack my lunch for work. I walked home in the snow, it was pretty wet too and seemed to be blowing straight at me no matter what direction I was going in. It was slushy snow which is not great.

I wanted to get home and out of the snow as fast as possible. By 1 pm there were 20 accidents on the roads. After my experience last Sunday, I've got go slow, keep 3 cars of space between you and the car in front of me pretty much drilled into my head. I'm still really happy I returned that car first thing in the morning.

Tonight we turn the clocks back an hour and soon it will be dark leaving work. So I'm going to need some strategies for workouts. Right now that looks like packing a gym bag and learning to use the evil treadmills in the office gym. Keeping long runs to the weekends and dealing with the weather the best I can.

I bought the Women's Health Big Book of Exercises and mapped out a strength training routine down to page flags telling me the order of the exercises.

When I did get home I through on my flannel bathrobe and read a bit of Brain Over Binge, I skipped ahead a few chapters as I specifically wanted to know the steps of overcoming irrational eating behaviour not so much the back story of the author. I'm intrigued so far that's for sure about the concept of two brains. The animal brain which in a nutshell causes the irrational behaviour as it can be a habit. Having grown up overweight I'm sure there are some ingrained habits that slowly but surely I'm replacing with better habits.

I need to read a bit more but so far I find it really interesting.

Tomorrow I plan to go to church and the 3 hr yoga workshop in the church gym as it's focused on your inner critic. I'll have to see how bad the snow is effecting things as it's supposed to keep snowing through till tomorrow.

I hope all of you had a great day.


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