Sunday, February 26, 2012

Operation Enough and SCC Week 8

I faced my bathroom scale this morning and it says I'm up 1lb. O.K now to focus on a new week.

I planned today out and tracked all of it, and even managed to drink 3L of water with the help of Nestea singles (no sodium). One day down.

I was thinking about my Operations as in Operation Butterfly and Operation Hottie well today I morphed them into one Operation Enough. No more sugar coating it as this is now war.

I've felt like I've been home for 5 minutes this weekend without having Friday off this week. Today was all about housework and laundry. I did watch the "Get Fired Up" dvd of the Turbo Fire collection. This an introduction to the program and kind of gives you what to expect. Of course the package came with a schedule to follow but due to my work situation (3 nights in camp a week) I modified it a bit. Calgary got hit by a cold front so the only time I went outside was to take out the garbage...brrrr.

The workouts break into different themes and combinations of  HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), Fire, Core, Tone, Sculpt and Stretch. Of course the pack comes with a workout schedule. I had to tweak this as I don't have a regular Mon - Fri job and spend 3 nights a week in a camp room. I intend to do these workouts in my camp room. My room is on the 2nd (top) level so I made sure to keep all the HIIT workouts (which seem to involve a lot of jumping) to when I'm at home. Your not supposed to do two HIIT workouts in a row so Friday and Sunday will now be HIIT days. Though in the first week there's only one HIIT workout. I do like how it's scheduled to get progressively more difficult to challenge yourself. Now let's see if I can do week 1.

Tomorrow I test out Fire 30 + Stretch 10 (one dvd) the good part is each dvd has a "new to class" option so you see the break down of the moves and work towards skipping that and going right into the workout. This DVD shows up 3 times in the 1st week so that will be tomorrow, Wednesday and Saturday. I'll break down the different workouts as I go through them and give you a little review- well hopefully I can get all the way through a workout.

Now to the Spring Chick Challenge as I wrote yesterday Week 8 was rough I could say PMS was partly to blame but I'm accountable for my actions and I more or less took last week off and forgot everything I knew about staying on plan. However I have now regained my senses.

Week 9 goals:
Activity - Start Turbo Fire
Track every day
Water minimum 2L but shoot for 3L
Check in with my fabulous buddy Enz every day. She very kindly volunteered to remind me to track so I asked her to add in a reminder about water. I'm so lucky to have her.

This coming Friday might be another night out to celebrate a birthday however if that happens I'll weigh in on Friday at noon. It's all about planning. I sat down and actually planned out my week by checking the camp menu for the week and having a good idea of points for dinner so that I can plan breakfast and lunch accordingly. I have traditional stand byes for breakfast and lunch so I can control the points better.

I'm also thinking about creating some blog cards for Fitbloggin as a way to introduce myself and give my blog deets. Do any of you have such a thing or advice on this?

In about an hour I'll make my way to bed with a book as I have cab coming at 4:30am to fly to work tomorrow.

Hope you enjoyed your weekend. To a new week!!!



Enz said...

To a new week closer to goal :)

Christina said...

you will love turbo fire 30 is awesome and chalene is so motivating!