Monday, September 17, 2012

Pack Mule

So my Fitbloggin packing got as far as most of what I'm taking is now on top of the spare room bed. Tomorrow night when I get home it will go in to packing cubes. The plan is to only need to pack the stuff used up to the last minute on Thursday in the wee hours of the morning. My flight leaves at 6am. So I need to be out the door by 4am. It will be just like today.

I love packing cubes it keeps me organized and easy to find stuff. I'll have to take a before and after photo.

It seems like I'm bringing more workout clothes then regular clothes. When not in workout clothes it will be a casual look for me.

I'm bringing a little body spray and deodorant for my purse as it looks like it will be workout to mid day sessions.

I'm seriously starting to get nervous. Thoughts like this are running through My head "Will I make new friends?", "Will I freak out when I meet some of my favorite bloggers i.e. like Bitchcakes, Mizfit and Jack #%$ just to name a few", "I hope they
Iike me".

It's feeling like your first summer camp when you don't know anybody. That's my inner introvert making herself known. Of course logical self is all "Shut up, you're going to have so much fun".

Today I'm running on limited sleep which is traditional for the night before I fly. I have to keep reminding myself I fly home tomorrow and not Thursday. Today I was pack mule. In my backpack was 2 pairs of jeans as the ones here at site should retired, skin care more suited to cooler & drier weather, plus more odds and ends.

Right now I'm doing my site laundry so I'll be sorted for the Monday after Fitbloggin.

Then it's an early night for me.

2 days to Fitbloggin!!!!!!!!!!!!


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