Thursday, December 19, 2013

On the cusp of a journey

I officially finished work for 2013 at noon on Wednesday, of course I didn't get out at exactly noon but I did eventually make it to the mall where I was in search of new jeans for my trip.

It was a disheartening experience because I grabbed a size I have worn for a long time only to find out it was too small. Now I realize all sizes are not created equal and there's zero consistency from store to store it still caused a wave of disappointment.

I did find two pairs of coloured jeans for $9 each by the way.

Today was all about last minute errands and packing. I still can't quite believe I'm going to Japan tomorrow.

I finally picked up a keyboard for Ipad so hopefully I can blog the trip.

I do feel this trip is the start of a new journey for me. I'm putting myself completely and totally out of my comfort zone and on purpose. I've never done that before I could have gone to Vegas but I chose somewhere I've never been before.

I'm looking forward to it and a wee bit scared.

It was funny on Wednesday when people asked if I was going away for Christmas and the asked where. Every single one did a double take when I said Japan. Yeah not the typical response I bet.

I was so distracted with cleaning and packing I forgot to weigh in, so that will now be when I get back. The day after a 10 hr flight that should be interesting.

So with hopes of blogging but no guarantees I want to wish all of you a Very Merry Christmas.



Hayley said...

Merry Christmas to you, too and have a nice trip!

I enjoy reading your blog.

Maren said...

Japan! That is amazing :D Good on you!

I know how it feels when a size you normally wear is too small. And it is like you said, different from store to store .. but still disheartening. Chin up :D

Nicole said...

It is amazing to me that amidst all of your loss you've chosen this creative and imaginative path. You've chosen such an interesting culture to explore - good luck my dear and embrace all of the wonderful and strange and experiences that you will encounter. Merry Christmas and the best of 2014.