Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Aye Carumba

Again I go MIA for a week and  a half, the day after the half marathon I woke up with a sore throat and I’ve been a coughing fool since then plus sniffly. 

Last weekend was rough as it was my first Father’s Day without my Dad and as he passed on Father’s Day last year I don’t foresee this being a fun holiday for me. The actual one year anniversary was Monday and that day went much better then Sunday.

I laid low all weekend avoiding any interaction with Father’s Day, I had planned to go to Canadian Tire but then decided against it.

I just focused on rest.

The Thursday before I went to the walk in clinic to see if there was something I could do about the cough that won’t die.  After waiting for an hour I finally got in and I was the last appointment of the day.
The Doctor is from the UK originally and he made the observation that he notices a trend that in Canada colds have a longer period of coughing. Great.

He also suggested we drink more water as in 4L of water per day that is 16 cups. I thought about that and then tried to think how much time I’d spend in the bathroom.

He prescribed inhalers like puffers. I have never used a puffer in my life. He listened to my lungs and noted no wheezing and actually thought the lung capacity was not maximum. Ok the coughing doesn’t exactly help lung capacity. They took a throat swab too and said if the puffers don’t work next step will be antibiotics. I honestly thought that would be the first step.

I wound up with 3 puffers and the instructions to use them 3 times a day. I think the first few days were a wash as it took me awhile to get the rhythm of using them. Then the 3 times a day thing was iffy, at work I’m in meetings a lot and that would throw off my puffer times.

I do find when I’m not talking I don’t cough as much.
I haven’t gone for a run since the half and with the next one 70 something days away I want to get back at it. I actually find that during activity like walking to and from the train station I don’t cough or very little.
In terms of any improvement with the puffers not really but again my consistency with using them hasn’t been great. I’m still on the first one so I will make a consecrated effort to be better at it. 

In regards to Weight Watchers I attended my first 12:30pm meeting on Saturday, I still don't like the time but it was so nice to see everyone. What is it about Church basements that make them so oppressive. The room is tiny and very closed in. Still debating on going to a different location and the 7am meeting. Not sure what I'll do this weekend. 

|I was down 1.6 which was a surprise as that was off from my home scale and at the old location my scale was not that off from the WW scale so need to keep an eye on that.

So that's all I got, hope to be posting about getting my activity groove back on and making some fun healthy recipes for work lunches. 


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