Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Thank god I asked about the veggies

I was too tired last night to look up the NI for my Keg meal so I did it today and wrote it in my tracker.

At first I couldn't believe my eyes, my Grilled Thai Chicken checked in at over 1000 calories. That didn't make sense to me so I clicked on the detailed info. They were adding in the "typical" sides to this meal to make it that. The chicken alone was 562 calories, it was this by removing the baked potato and the aioli. I still wound up going a fair amount over for the day (thanks to the Pina Colada which are super good at the Keg- not entirely sure why I didn't order the diet coke/vodka comb or just went with water. I was a lemming as everyone else was having an drink. Today I focused on smart decisions and I stuck to it all day.

My days are so messed up with being in Calgary all week as opposed to my two days at site. For most of the day I thought it was Thursday. I also realized I wasn't wrong this is snackapalooza week and I'm handling it incredibly well.

The weather in Calgary took an interesting turn, when I left this morning they said high of 6. When I got home it was a -9 windchill. Tomorrow it's supposed to be +13...bizarre.

As I was once again in the office by 6am I left at 3:30pm as I had a plan for a walk tonight. At first I debated. -9 is ridiculously cold when you're now used to plus 6 but then I thought -9 wouldn't stop me in the dead of winter. So I pulled on the thermal fleece on top of the base layer and my running room jacket plus sweat pants and I headed out. Due to the wind I wrapped it up at 5K though I kept moving to keep warm. If it is indeed +13 tomorrow I'll head for a longer jaunt.

Here is tonight's workout:

311 calories burned, 51:09 min, 5.23K, pace 9:47/7:02

I now have 16.5 activity pts of the week and 23.91K for the week.

I fill finish this week strong.


1 comment:

  1. you should try the chicken with red pepper sauce next time, its not as bad on the points... and comes with a side of veggies.... I always indulge when I go to the keg, I love it, and their mashed potatoes are delish for 7 or 8 points I think.
