Thursday, March 25, 2010

Reduced fat????

While I have been keeping the snackapalooza desires in check I had blank moment at Starbucks this morning. I was ordering my usual latte when I saw the reduced fat banana chocolate cake. I ordered it. The cake part should have technically stopped me. I've been rolling into the office at 6:10am every morning this week so that might have something to do with my blank mind.

I did have my wits about me and before I opened the bag I found the NI and plugged it in. This reduced fat cake is 8pts. I promptly threw the whole thing into the trash. If I want to blow that amount of pts I'd go for the scone.

I was in meetings all day today with a couple of "my boys". I support a group that consists of 97% men and they're all "my boys". These particular boys and I have been spending the last 3 months together on a specific project. Whenever we're together they always buy lunch (expense it). They were part of the chinese food disaster last week so this week I gave them two options for lunch - Wendy's or Subway. My plan for Wendy's was small chili and side salad and my plan for Subway was a 6" Ham sub. We went to Subway and I got a bottle of water with my sub.

Dinner was half a can of veggie chili. At first I thought I'd have the whole can (7pts) but then I thought start with half and see - there's 9g of fibre in 250ml. I measured out 250ml (3pts) and it was filling enough and I polished off with a wee bit of Liberte coconut yogurt to cool off the spice.

When I got home from work I did my traditional (at least for this week) change into workout clothes and head outside. I first decided to weigh myself and I think I might need a new scale. I stepped on to it 4 times and I got 4 different numbers.

Today's workout:

441 calories burned, 1hr12min, 7.28K, pace 9:58-6:05
I really wasn't feeling it tonight but I just popped on the ipod and went. My goal was 400 calories so I just kept adding loops until I hit that. However I was faster than when I did the same loop on Saturday.

I stepped on the scale after I got home and this time got consistent numbers on multiple tries. I'll have to keep an eye on that.

I'm now up to 31.19K for the week and 20.5AP earned. 187/203 pts for the week with one day remaining. I will be going over a wee bit but I've earned a whack of APs. I don't normally buy into the trading exercise for food but for this week I'm going to believe.

I'm having lunch with my coworker/friends as I haven't seen them all week but I already gave the heads up that I want to be "good" as I have weigh in on Saturday.

Alright that's all I got for today...until tomorrow.


1 comment:

  1. wow you do impress me with how weight watchers organised you are, ive just joined a calories site works it all out for me and although my cals have been good ive been yo yo ing on weight :/ now looking closer i can see despite the low cals the fat content is high.
    Reading your blog does inspire me to make more effort, i with you on the cake/scone thing lol xxx
