Tuesday, March 23, 2010

When your plans get derailed by someone else

I left for work at 5:30am this morning and I just got home - 9:30pm. That was not in the plan today and there was nothing I could do about it.

I inadvertently wound up with an 8pm meeting due to delayed flights of one participant and a brand new baby of another participant.

The scary thing was how easy it was for me to find work today between normal home time 4pm and 7:30pm when I headed over the restaurant (the location of the meeting which became a dinner meeting). I'm crazy busy at work so it wasn't so bad having some extra time.

Normally I eat dinner around 5pm so at 4pm I was hungry no way I was going to make it to 8pm and be able to make sound food choices. The spaghetti squash I made on Sunday was for lunch and I realized I might have made the portions a little small. At 4pm I was hungry and I went to Starbucks and got the kids snack pack (sliced apples, small string cheese, animal crackers, raisins). By the time 7:30pm rolled around my stomach was grumbling.

We had dinner at the Keg (Pts Deadly) instead of my favourite filet mignon I went with grilled chicken. The co-worker sitting next to me had the filet mignon but I stuck to my decision. The waitress is explaining the sides - potato something , rice something , potato something, rice something so I asked her "Do you have vegetables?" I finally wound up with a house side salad (dressing on the side). The dressing looked like it was made out of mayonnaise so I only had a smidgen.

No matter how I slice it today it was way higher in pts than my plan and obviously no mega walks.

The thing is this happens, life happens. I'm not happy about how my routine was shaken up but there's nothing I could do about it so there's no point dwelling on it. I'm moving on and the next 3 days will be totally on plan with activity. I honestly think I made the best decisions I could today.

That's all I got - I'm going to bed.



  1. Like you said 'life happens' and there is nothing you can do about it but try your best. Sounds like you made some good choices!

  2. I think you made some really great choices! You're right, you can't control where you eat all the time, but props on the potential damage control. It's hard to say no to filet mignon and fries! Honestly I would see this as a victory over temptation.

  3. I think you handled the day perfectly. Sometimes all you can do is make the best out of a not so great or bad situation.
