Wednesday, December 02, 2009

When plans go astray

Busy, busy day today and some unplanned events.

Day was alright, tracking went well then a late day meeting and then tiredness ruled and I went out for dinner with my friend T instead of hitting the gym.

The dinner worked out as that’s what flexpoints are for not to mention it was great to chat with T and I had 8pts left for dinner on top of that plus I had 8 activity points. I’m guessing I’m out of flexpoints for the next two days but I have 7.5 activity points still banked.

Got mega kudos at work which makes me very happy. I did an amazingly speedy lunch shopping trip that got the secret Santa present out of the way. The chocolate cake for tomorrow’s trifle assembly is baking as I type. Raspberries are defrosting in the fridge.

For the crazy work I did this summer I got a wee bonus and decided to use it on a lululemon gift certificate for myself. I went with a gc because I’m not at a size where I want to invest a lot in lululemon gear but I’ll get there and then treat myself.

The plan for tomorrow is now stay perfectly on plan and hit the gym. Not to mention play close attention to water.

I’m so close to this weigh in and I don’t want to blow it.

It’s going to be an early night again I think. The Beck book will have to wait until perhaps this weekend but I will keep you in the loop.


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