Friday, December 04, 2009

Blizzard Conditions

We knew it was coming but I have to admit I was a bit flabbergasted when at 8:30am I looked out the office window and felt like I was standing in the middle of a snow globe. It seems Fridays are cursed in Calgary. Last Friday was ice everywhere and today drifting snow and minimal visibility. The picture is from out my front window, not sure if you can make out the drifting snow.
One co-worker was hoping to fly to Newfoundland later - not happening. Another co-worker was planning to drive to Edmonton - not happening. Winter is in full swing and so are road closures.
By 10am we had a call from the boss to go have our potluck and then head home. The trifle turned out fantastic but there were only a handful of us there. I left it in the work fridge in hopes they'll finish it on Monday. Far better than taking it home when blechy weather, howling wind and the desire to hibernate takes over and eats it straight out of the trifle bowl.

I was home by 12:30pm and amazingly my amazon order arrived about an hour later. So I now have the rest of the Kim Harrison - Rachel Morgan Series to curl up with. Boy did the Canada Post dude look tired.

Temperatures are expected to be around -25C this weekend and I plan to stay put. Yes, eventually -25 won't phase me but right now I'm happy to play winter wimp. I am not even going to try shovelling the walk until the wind quiets down. Some parts of my sidewalk are a bit bare and some parts look like there is a few inches of snow.

Food has been alright this week, last night I did wind up eating the leftover custard but my activity points of the week covered that. Due to some challenges this week I won't have a spectacular loss tomorrow as I was hoping to but it will be a loss. If there are going to be higher point days, they definitely need to be further away from weigh in. Next week I will have no dinners out and no pot lucks. I did track everything this week which is a bit of a victory. I wrote out my Action Response Card a la Beck book today and I will post that tomorrow.

Things I need to work on next week is once again water. I also need to be better prepared to schedule gym visits even if the weather is bad or plans go awry.

Tonight I tried the Chicken Quesadilla Smart One - 4pts, one thing is that it's 4pts per serving and there are two servings in the box. Of course the front of the box shows a picture of two halfs. It was tasty with a roma tomato on the side and spritz of balsamic dressing. Definitely a small serving compaired to their 6pt varities.
If your out and about in Alberta, be careful and stay safe. Until later...Hugs!!!!


  1. So this tells me that by sometime next week we'll be getting this lovely storm you just experienced. I hope not... we got an inch of snow today and I'm already sick of it. (Although VERY thankful because about 20 miles north of us got about 8 inches of snow.)

    Good luck with winter!!

  2. Stay warm!!

    Good job on tracking all week, that's a victory in itself.

    I'm doing The Beck book too :) Will be cool to see what we think as we go along.

  3. brrrrrrr. We had snow today too. In Texas! Keep warm.
