Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Winter has arrived

Food at site went better this time around. I definitely used some flex as it’s difficult when you’ve got a 14 hour day going on. But I’m still on track.

Did 5K on the treadmill Monday night. Didn’t have a single french fry either. Stuck to protein and veggies mostly actually. Trying to work my way through the Beck book. Last night I was out like a light by 7:30pm. This is what happens when you’re up at 3:30am.

Winter hit with a vengeance, not so much at site but yesterday anyone flying out was delayed due to nasty weather in Calgary.

Luckily no issues flying home tonight but woke up to a mini blizzard. I think long johns are going into the bag from now on. 

I will pack my gym bag and hit the company gym tomorrow. I’m on track to a decent weigh in for the first time in a long time. It’s amazing really, when you follow the program it actually works.

Alright it’s going to be an early to bed night again so I’ll talk to you later.



  1. I just started the Beck book last night and did the Day 1 stuff yesterday.

    How are you finding it?

    I'm surprised how much of it seems to be incorporated into WW meetings and philosophy.

  2. Flex points are definitely there to be used :)

  3. Only a mere 3 days to weigh-in, you can definitely stay on track! :) Love your idea of doing a facial/pedi instead of 'boredom snacking', very smart!

    PS: I'm coming home the 22nd!
