Monday, September 07, 2009

Day 2 - sleeping in messes me up

A second day of getting to wake up on my own and not to the alarm clock. Too bad that's all over tomorrow. Today was spent finishing laundry and making a mexican potato casserole for work lunch.

I normally make the casserole from a weight watchers recipe but I find it fairly bland. So this time I used taco seasoning. It's ground beef, red pepper, tomatoes and potatoes with a bit of part skim tex mex cheese on top. Layered like lasagna with sliced potatoe replacing the noodles. Works out to 6pts per serving.

I also found myself watching the first season of Big Bang Theory, a co-worker lent it to me and I got through the first two discs. Now I'm watching Top Chef - Las Vegas. The Food Network is food porn but it gives you such good ideas for trying stuff you've never tried before.

My trouble with sleeping in is that throws off my eating schedule. Late breakfast turns into late lunch, then late dinner and toss in some snacking in between. I try very hard not to eat anything two hours before bedtime. I did arm myself with some friendly snacks like sugar free jello, sugar free chocolate pudding and unsweetened applesauce.

I need to stop buying Liberte Moka yogurt, this stuff is my kryptonite for sure.

What I am happy about it is I have a plan for tomorrow. Need to pick up a parcel after work and they're only open to 6pm, so no gym tomorrow but definitely on Wednesday.

Back to work tomorrow, hope everyone had a great weekend.


1 comment:

  1. I had that this weekend! I woke up at 10:30 (which is totally whack for me) then ate around 11am.

    Then I wondered... now what? Do I "skip" lunch? Eat it later and proceed with my regular schedule... only that would have me eating dinner at 9pm!

    I decided to eat when I was hungry, and not worry about a schedule. So I had a light lunch at 2pm, then dinner as usual at 6pm. No mid afternoon snack was necessary. And because of that, I was able to indulge a little more at dinner.

    heeey... maybe I should sleep in more often!
