Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Day 4 - If only there was a pill to fight snacking

I successfully brought and ate my lunch today. I've taken it to work before and then happily went off with people to buy something. Not today I stuck to what I brought.

I was tripped up by some multigrain tortilla chips and a haagen daz ice cream bar. The ice cream wasn't so much a trip up as I went and bought it. Ridiculously stupid move on my part and to be honest I'm not sure what caused it. I kind of mused out loud and then had a buddy to go get one.

Got it together for the rest of the day and had 2pt V8 tomato soup for supper.

Still worked a long day today as what needs to be done never goes away. I did make a huge dent in what I need to do so that was a relief.

The goal for tomorrow is to stick to what I brought without any deviations.

Water wasn't too bad today either, I'm on the road to getting back to drinking enough.

Alright, I'm zonked so that's all I got for today. Until tomorrow....hugs!!!!

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