Sunday, September 06, 2009

A fresh start - Day One

I actually have the next two days a row. I haven't had two days off in a row in 7 weeks. On Friday I worked from 6:20am to 9pm and yesterday I worked from 8am to 7pm. I'm tired.

I stepped on the scale last night and saw a super scary number which sort of got me back to reality. I've pretty much been living in auto pilot lately. This project is definitely on it's way to wrapping up, probably only about a week and a half to go. The crazy part wrapped up this weekend from now on it should be smoother sailing and a return to a normal schedule i.e. next weekend off.

On Wednesday I discovered I'm moving within my company. Same job but reporting to a new area and a new boss. That feels a bit weird but an overall opportunity for a fresh start in a sense. That will start when the project finishes.

A refocus on weight loss and getting healthy plus a brand new opportunity at work. It's an overall fresh start.

Today I'm taking it a bit easy as I've had a headache for 3 days (stress related), today I must go grocery shopping and that's about the only thing I have to do today. Plus with Labour Day off to I can spread chores out over two days instead of the frantic pace I've been dealing with for the past couple of months. I also really want to go for a long walk in the hood.

The gym can come back in my life next week as I should actually be finished in work in time to get there. Lately I'm still working when they close. The most important thing I need to start doing again is packing my lunch and snacks.

This is truly a fresh start so I'm starting back at day one. Today the goal is to track everything and stay on plan.

Enjoy your weekend my friends,


1 comment:

  1. Fresh starts feel great :-) I'm glad you have a few days of REST! Wow that's ALOT of hours! Packing lunches and snacks are definitely key. It's a time of year when there are lots of fresh starts :-)
