Sunday, April 17, 2011

Why don't I remember to take a picture?

Slept in till 9am this morning, looked out the window and saw there was snow...again.

Yesterday I saw a robin and a seagull and today there is snow. Whatever but hopefully this is the last of the stuff we need to shovel.

I opted to make a little brunch which was french toast with two pieces of whole wheat bread, my french toast mix was one egg, 3 egg whites and 1 tsp of sugar. I didn't wind up using all of it but I tracked it that way. I topped the finished product with 1 tbsp of maple syrup. So yummy.

Instead of lunch I had a mid afternoon snack of Asana yogurt (first time trying it - I like it even though it's higher on Propoints it was 4 for 175g) and a banana.

Activity today was 30min of yoga. I'm feeling a little sore today from Iron Reps yesterday. At one point I realized I had a sore upper bottom. It must have been all those squats and lunges.

I had 13 propoints for supper so I made a baked potato topped with whollyguacomole, light sour cream, salsa, green onions, two sliced of turkey bacon and tex mex shredded cheese. This was yummy as well.

There might be an apple for dessert.

Finished day two completely tracked and on plan.

Monday is planned breakfast wise but I don't know what's happening for lunch. I'll be in a meeting at that time and I'm not sure if lunch is provided. I'm going into this thing blind as I haven't seen the agenda. Lunch will determine dinner.

Of course after I finished eating my fabulous meals today I realized I should have taken a photo. I'm so bad at that and have no excuse as my iphone is always near by. I do think that might be a strategy to get through my 3 days of meetings on plan is take a picture and post it. That's a bit of an extra reminder to keep it on the on plan side.

Kind of happy about not having to get up super early to catch a plane tomorrow but there will be more prep time required for working in the corporate head office for the week. One can't do t-shirt and jeans which is my uniform at site and two need to put my face on. Site make-up is definitely more natural. I need to make my own breakfast as opposed to walking into a cafeteria. I need to go check bus schedules.

I hope you all had a fabulous Sunday!


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