Saturday, April 16, 2011

Went to the past, now focusing on the future

Well the future was off to an auspicious start when I slept through my alarm and missed weigh in. I set the alarm but I guess I also managed to turn the volume down so it didn't wake me up. So annoying but it's happened before which is why I usually test the volume of the alarm but I didn't do that Friday night. Duh.

I used my bathroom scale to record a weight in my weekly tracker. According to my scale I'm up 2lbs. I'm not going to add it to my side panel as there's always a discrepancy between my scale and their scale. Their scale is usually lower than my scale. So I'm going to take it as a missed there. Now that's done I focus on next Saturday's weigh in.

I also wrote down my goals for the week:
  • Conscious eating - will this get me closer to goal (take a minute to evaluate that I'm hungry and not eating steps)
  • Minimum 2L of water
  • Minimum 30min of activity for 6 days
  • Track everything
Today is a new start so I got up and had a homemade egg mcmuffin. I scrambled an egg in a ramakan added two pieces of capicolla ham (cut up) and topped with a bit of Tex Mex shredded cheese (1/3 of a serving). Cooked in the microwave and put it on a toasted WW english muffin. All together 6 Propoints. I had that with a glass of milk and cup of coffee - 4 Propoints. That kept me sated for a long time.

I then headed to the gym for Zumba. I walked to the gym in the slush/snow and turned my heart rate monitor on 126 calories burned in 16min. I forgot to turn it on about 2 blocks - dang it.

At Zumba I haven't had this instructor before as the last time I went to this class there was a sub. I was all over the place as I found her style a little hard to follow but it was still a whole lot of fun and I burned 434 calories. I also stayed for Iron Reps and burned 335 calories doing that.

I then went to Safeway and focused on veggies and lean protein. I also just bought stuff for the next few days as I can easily pop into the grocery store mid week. I figured that was a way for me to avoid boredom as I often get in a rut food wise. I picked up a premade Sante Fe Salad (7 Propoins) for lunch as I knew I'd be ravenous when I got home. It was lovelyI and I followed with applesauce (1 Propoint).

I walked home from the grocery store and turned on the heart rate monitor again but I think my sportsbra interfered as I got home to an alert saying check heart rate monitor and had burned 1 calories in 20 minutes.
Now I have 11 Propoints left as I'm sticking to my basic 29 points. I think I'll one cup of spaghettie, organic sauce, added veggies and some homemade garlic bread (one piece of whole wheat toast with a little garlic butter). That should finish me off for the day.

I did get a really nice invite from one of my friends to go out for dinner but I turned it down. I've had 2.5 hours of exercise today and tracked everything diligently. I had a planned dinner so I didn't want to introduce an unknown today. I want to start this week of right. It's going to be step by step.

For the rest of the night I'll clean off the pvr a little and do some reading.

Hope you all had a great Saturday!

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