Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Day 5 - I think I like it

This morning the hot cereal option was red river cereal. I've tried this once and didn't really care for it but this morning I decided to give it another try. I like it. The first time I had tried it was cold so maybe that was the difference.

Lunch was a salad with eggs, radishes, cucumbers, tomatoes.

The rest of the day didn't go quite so well (meeting munchies and hockey game munchies) and I dipped into weekly points again. I'm working with the opinion they are there to be used.

Once I again I tracked diligently and drank all my water. So today I earned two stickers but the goal is minimum 30min of exercise 5 days a week and right now I have 3 days down and I've diligently tracked and drank my water for all 5.

I've missed yoga this week as I discovered I bought a dvd burner for my netbook not a dvd player and right this moment my yoga mat is rolled out and waiting for me when I get home tomorrow.

Workout wise today was a rest day. I fly home tomorrow so I'll make sure to plan a good day including a back up snack for the plane incase there are any delays and I'm a long way from dinner.

I haven't watched the new BL episode yet as it's on the pvr at home but I'm looking forward to it based on some of the blogger comments. 

Hope you all had a fabulous Wednesday and I'll be back when I'm home tomorrow.



  1. Coming out of Lurkdom for a minute....

    If you bought a dvd burner, it will also play dvd's. If it did not come with software,you will need some.

    This one is good, and free

  2. Red River is tasty, but when it's cold it gets all congealed and gross!

