Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Day 4 - Battle of the hormones

At bit of a rough night last night.

My camp room shares a bathroom with another camp room so in away I have a roomate. We never see each other but can certainly hear another.

Last night at 10pm she blow dried her hair and at 12:45am flushed the toilet, so I didn't get a super good rest last night. For the remainder of the week I get the bathroom to myself so tonight should be good.

Today I fought the hormone fueled foodapalooza and cramps started and I knew I was in for a rough day. Sometimes it sucks being a girl.

Breakfast was oatmeal with brown sugar, a little bit of yogurt and skim milk. Lunch was a turkey sandwich on whole wheat with tomatoes and cucumbers and an apple. I didn't resist the cookies today and had two small oatmeal and raisin cookies.

I did bring a food scale to site with me, so I weighed the cookies to track them properly. I also deconstructed the turkey sandwich to weigh all the components. I took the cheese off and tossed that. It was good that I did that as one slice of bread weighed 46g which is 3pts per slice.

At one point I was totally craving chocolate but I did resist and instead had a cup of tea. Stash Chocolate Mint Oolong Tea to be exact. While it didn't strike me as super chocolaty it sort of tasted like a mild chocolate mint. It's oolong tea, peppermint, chocolate flavour, cocoa powder and carob powder which is responsible for the flavour. Still 0pts so way better than hitting the vending machine for chocolate.

Dinner was a lentil stuffed green pepper, a small piece of garlic toast, broccoli, corn and jello. I fell victim to a mini tart filled with cherry pie filling.

However K and I did 57min of pilates after dinner and finished around 9:30pm. We were both tired but pushed through it. I suck at pilates but did my best.

So I did dip into the weekly points but I still consider that on plan as they are there to be used. I have about 31 of those left for the week and I've earned 19 activity points. I drank all of my water today which makes that 4 days in a row for that - super stellar for me.

Tomorrow I'll concentrate on sticking to the 29pts, it might be a rest day workout wise as the World Junior Hockey Final is on and Canada faces Russia. We'll see a workout could be squeezed in.

Hope your Tuesday was awesome!


1 comment:

  1. Whoo hoo! 57 minutes of Pilates. GREAT WORK! That'll hurt tomorrow, but it'll feel soooo good.

    Keep up the great work, chica!
