Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 18 - whoops

Despite my intentions of having breakfast when I got to work it never happened.

I made my oatmeal but then got stuck in meetings till 11:30. Cold and congealed oatmeal is not pretty. I attempted reheating for lunch but it still looked awful. Luckily my friend K brought enough lunch for me.

No workouts tonight as I'm zonked. I have been up for 18 hours. I'll see how long I last watching Biggest Loser tonight. My pvr is recording it as well so I won't miss anything. I did drink 2l of water today.

Hope your Tuesday was awesome....hugs!

1 comment:

  1. I always reheat my oatmeal, as I make a big pot on Sunday and eat it through the week. Adding some milk before nuking it always helps and it's like it fresh out of the pot.
