Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 16 and 17 - where does the time go

Hi all,
The past two days flew by. Sunday was pretty much a relax day with one trip out to have coffee with K. The rest of the day was prepping for my meeting and clearing off the pvr.

Today I ran a meeting with 28 guys and one other woman besides myself. I think it went well. Dinner was at Murietta's afterwards.

I suspected there would be a fixed menu for 30 people. What I wasn't expecting was a 6 course menu. I don't know how to track today so I'm writing it off and focusing on staying super on plan for the rest of the week.

Got home and took out the garbage, packed my site bag and now it's to bed for me.

Hope your Sunday and Monday were super fantastic.....hugs!!!

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