Wednesday, November 24, 2010

They lied

That whole 2nd coldest place on earth thing from yesterday was fiction, I learned this when I got to work this morning and thanks to Carol for commenting on the same.

Happily it did warm up a bit today but by the time I left work my nose still got cold. I hit the mall as I needed a few things to replace what I took to site or things I realized I need at site. This weekend I sort out the clothes.

I have two days left in my current job and I'm looking forward to my good bye get together tomorrow. It will be bittersweet as I'm looking forward to the new job but I'll miss my current group. They're amazing people.

It's looking more and more like I'll be doing both jobs for awhile and I'm really not sure how I'm going to swing that.

Got a huge surprise today when I opened my inter-office mail. I got a thank  you card with a $100 visa gift card from one of the groups I support. They thanked me for my hard work and said that whoever takes over for me will have big shoes to fill. Later on in the day when I was telling this story I got told I had clown feet in terms of shoes to fill. Aww shucks is all I can say.

On the workout front it's been really lax as in zip, I'm not very organized this week at all. I think the cold weather and trying to organize my current work is the cause. Tomorrow is a right off as well. Oh well life happens sometimes and you just have to roll with it.

Hope your Wednesday was wonderful.


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