Friday, November 26, 2010

The end of an era

Today was my last day in my current job and I start the new opportunity on Monday.

I'm going to miss my old group. Last night we had my good-bye at Aussie Rules with the dueling pianos. OMG everyone had so much fun. We were all singing and clapping and just generally having a fantastic time. There was 20 of us and I was quite honored that they all came out to see me off. Food was all bad as it was nachos and cheese sticks sort of thing.

Our Director was sitting next to me at the table and she said some really nice things to me including she think she'll one day report to me...I'm sure she was just being nice but that made go "Whoa" for a minute.

Today I packed up the rest of my office  and put a message on the phone of where I can now be reached and it felt kind of sad.

I'm totally excited about the new job but I've been through a lot with the old group and they always make me laugh. It's not like I'll never see them again but they won't be part of my day and I'll miss that.

Tomorrow is Christmas Party Dress shopping with two of my new workmates who have become my friends. One of which will be my site buddy and I'm so happy we get along so well.  I've looking forward to this as I really enjoy spending time with these girls and need help when it comes to picking out dresses. Next weekend is the party so the pressure is on.

I'm so tired I just might play russian roulette with weigh in tomorrow and see if I wake up in time. I've had a tough time sleeping this week with plenty of waking up at 1am, 2am and 3am. I think it was partially due to the stress of what was happening with my current role with my last day looming. I'm still not 100% sure on what's going on with that but the train has left the station and now I just roll with it. I need energy for tomorrow as the plan is to hit two malls.

I hope all my American friends had a great Thanksgiving and I hope everyone had a great Friday!


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