Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Not myself tonight

Besides being the title of my current favourite song by Christina Aguilera, it was also my behaviour last night. I had cheezies on the plane home. I could probably have chosen not to have a snack or had one that didn't clock in at 6pts as that began a bit of a downfall.

Then I got home and was thinking of having cereal for supper when I saw an ice cream commercial and remembered the Ben&Jerry's Cookie Dough ice cream sitting in my freezer. My intent was to just have a bit as I ate it out of the container (never a good idea). Well being tired and a little grumpy I went about picking out all the cookie dough bits which also resulted in polishing off the container.

I didn't talk about any of this yesterday because I hadn't tracked it yet and the ice cream happened after I posted the blog.

The good thing is lately I've been a super accurate tracker, I haven't always been. I always considered it a reckoning of sorts when it was pen on paper. Then I realized I'm not helping myself by not tracking or fudging the number so now it's accurate detail.  I documented my side step and got right back on track today.

I hit the gym for run/walk day 4 and I think I accomplished my goal of 2 min walk/ 1 min run. There were times I wasn't sure if I had walked 2 or 3 min. Then I had the thought of next time writing down the times on a post it note so I didn't get lost which will definitely happen when I start aiming for things like 90 seconds. I think I did 10 sets of run/walk. It did feel challenging today which is good so we'll see how it goes next time.

I was tired tonight so I stuck it out for an hour as opposed to my original goal of 8km (on the treadmill not necessarily running).

7.31K/ 1:01:05/439 calories burned/ Pace 8:21-5:45. Heart rate: 154-184

I caught the reflection of my legs in the window while running and I had a moment of "Oh my god I'm running". Two weeks ago I was a non-runner. Tomorrow I have to pick up a package on the way home and I'm hoping it's the pilates stuff.

I took my measurements last week for Operation Hottie and I think I'll do that weekly just for fun. I'm curious to see if there will be any difference from the running.

I have flex day on Friday but the corporate gym is open so depending on if it's still raining that could be an option for run/walk day 5. I'm planning to see Prince of Persia with my friend C so I could either work out before or after. If it's nice out, I'll go outside.

It did stop raining long enough this morning for me take out the garbage but then it started again. I'm starting to think I live in Vancouver and not Calgary.

I hope you had a great Wednesday and stayed dry.


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