Thursday, June 17, 2010

The archives

Even though it's still raining I decided to go the post office and pick up my parcel. Life can not stop because of the weather. The wee bit irritating part was the wind and it's attempt to wrestle my umbrella. I eventually put the umbrella away and just embraced the weather.

I got off the bus one stop earlier than necessary so I'd have to hike across the parking lot with my 40lb computer back pack. It's heavy and made a bit of a workout. The package was the Mari Windsor Slimming Pilates. The box wasn't so light and rather awkward to carry. I stopped in at Safeway to buy a bus pass and then decided to take the bus home instead of walking due to the blechy weather.

I waited for the bus forever and then decided to take the one that's a few blocks away from my house as opposed to a few doors away. All in all I guestimated about 20 min of walking netting me 133 calories burned.

Then I got home and wasn't in the mood to "make" dinner so I had what I call the antipasto dinner - baby bell cheese, turkey bit, edamame.

I knew I should do another workout but was not sure what to do. I didn't want to embrace the pilates until I've gone through all the stuff so I headed to the basement to check out my archive of workout dvds. My goodness there's a few. I decided on Tae Bo. It's been forever and a day since I've done this dvd. There were some moves I just couldn't get so I did jumping jacks. All in all it resulted in a 40min workout with 214 calories burned.

Tomorrow it's off to see A-Team instead of Prince of Persia. I loved the tv show as a kid and so does my friend so the switch was made. Unfortunately we must head down to Chinook to see it but on a Friday lunch hour it shouldn't be the mass of humanity it is on a weekend. As it's the day before weigh in I will not be having popcorn but will bring a 2pt pack of almonds and a bottle of water. I've worked hard this week and I'm not going to blow it on a movie.

My plan for the week isn't exactly coming together but I have worked out so far 5 out of 6 days and I did buy lunch for the 2nd time this week as I'm off tomorrow. Saturday will be grocery shopping and lunches will be on the list.

I hope you had a great Thursay.


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