Sunday, June 27, 2010

The mantra this week..160

This is my focus this week to get into the 160s, when I feel weak or tempted I will chant 160 in my head.

I was looking over the past 25 weigh ins and I average 1lb loss per week, that's nothing to sneeze at but I'd like to bring up the focus a bit. I've had two - 2lb losses back to back. I'm aiming to make it happen a 3rd week.

On to the plans.

So last week I had a plan and this is how it went:

Sat: Strength - Did the strength workout plus yoga
Sun: Cardio - Went for a 7.6K walk and mowed the lawn
Mon: Strength- Bit of a disaster as I was so sore from Sat but I squeaked out an arm routine
Tue: Yoga - Didn't happen
Wed: Cardio - Went fo a 10K walk
Thur: Strength and Yoga - Tried Zumba for the first time
Fri: Cardio - Step aerobics for 25min and then a 7K walk

All in all not bad but I'm short a yoga session.

This was the food on WW:
Total points available: 189
Activity Points: Earned 28

Ate: 221.5
Over by 4.5 pts for the week

My weightloss efforts are greatly impacted by exercise, the 4.5pts didn't hurt me I think because I had a fair amount of activity leading up to weigh in.

This week:
Sat: Rest day
Sun: Cardio/ Yoga - Did a 7.6K walk this morning and mowed the lawn - 6 activity points
Mon: Strength
Tue: Yoga
Wed: Cardio
Thur: Strength and Yoga
Fri: Cardio

Thursday is Canada day and I'm taking Friday off as well so it's a bit of a different week. This coming weekend I'm sorting out my dryer issues by doing a thorough re-organization of my laundry room, taking the measurements of the dryer/washer I have and then I go shopping.

I hope you all are having a great Sunday.


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