Saturday, June 26, 2010

25lbs Gone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I did it, 2lbs down today which got me to 25lbs down, well 25.8 actually. I got the 25lb charm which is the circle thing on top of the book.

I am so close to entering the 160's for the second time in my weight loss journey that started many many many moons ago. I've been thinking a lot about 168 (my lowest on the WW band wagon ever) and I'm trying to build my mental toughness to keep it going. Heck I work on my mental toughness every week to focus on the behaviours that will get me a lower weigh in.

This weightloss thing is all about the mental component. We all know what to do and how to do it but it's the sticking with it that is ruled by the brain.

I did make my turkey/sweet potato sheppard's pie which is way closer to a casserole. I tried to make it into 6 servings and I didn't quite have enough mashed sweet potato to cover. I had it for dinner after the concert and it's pretty good. It's got a garlic/ chili powder vibe going - sorry I was in a rush when making it so no pics.

Starwars in Concert was really good. There were loads of people from kids to couples to friends and some you knew were dragged to this by the significant other. Anthony Daniels (CP3O) was there and he narrated. They took all 6 movies and kind of combined them into themes i.e A fateful love or a jedi is trained and then orchestra played the score going with that theme. I've always known music was a big part of Star Wars but I don't think I appreciated it as much until today while watching a live orchestra perform it. It's all those components the violins, the tuba, the french horn combined that make such an amazing thing.

I made a quick exit and didn't stay for the encore as I was hungry. I didn't have a single snack at this thing even though everyone walked by with me with snacks. There was buttery popcorn, candy floss, nachos and mini donuts - this is my all time favourite treat at Stampede. I told myself I can have some mini donuts at Stampede only.

No activity today apart from walking to weigh in. That will start off tomorrow and I think I'll write my week in room tomorrow as today is all about I'm down 25lbs!!!

My plan for tomorrow is to go out early for a walk/ run. I had to run for the bus tonight and it felt good. I also need to mow and water the lawn plus make a dent in this online class I've been avoiding. It's an open format which I'm not used to. I think I like due dates better.

I hope you all had a fabulous Saturday.



  1. Congratulations!!

  2. Congratulations!!! 25 pounds is my next goal too! I am thrilled for you..and I'm so inspired and motivated by the fact that you avoided the snacks at the concert. Good going!
