Monday, May 31, 2010

That's a sure fire way to walk away

Hello my friends, hope you're having a wonderful Monday.

Mine started in the wee hours as I had to get on the plane to Fort McMurray, had a whack of back to back meetings then a 2hr drive to camp. It wasn't that bad as I had great company. I got to camp on the early side so I went straight to the gym and got a treadmill.

Tonight was: 377 calories burned, 1hr, 7.07km, Pace 8:32- 6:34. I actually ran for the 3 minutes of it. At the half hour mark I didn't see the distance adding up the way I wanted so I decided to run for a bit to ramp it up. I ran for one minute, walked 4.0 mph for 2min and repeated that 3 times. The surprising part was I wasn't dying either especially as I had already been walking a good clip for half an hour.

That now gives me a total of 14 AP this week. No workouts tomorrow as I won't be home till later but I could technically aim for 12 to 15 more by week's end.

We'll see if I'm mega sore tomorrow.

Tonight's camp dinner wasn't so great. I had a scoop of the Sheppard's pie and broccoli. The Sheppard's pie was dry so dry the little layer of mashed potatoes looked like paper. The broccoli was under cooked as the edge of a few pieces felt like chewing branches. I still had a fair amount left on my plate when I walked away. It was getting busy so I opted not to go back and get something else. Lunch was pork souvlaki with rice from the cafeteria in Fort Mac. The pork was over done and smallish so I had to kind of guess on tracking that today. Oh well c'est la vie.

Now I can't get my room's TV to work so I'll turn my attention to that shortly after I have a shower.

Hope you had a great day.

Talk to you tomorrow.

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