Sunday, May 30, 2010

It stopped

First of all I need to congratulate all those that took part in the Calgary marathon today that would include the 1/2 marathon, 10K and kids run. A special shout out to D  who ran the half and C who ran the full today. Way to go ladies.

I stepped on the scale this morning and saw a lower number than yesterday and that's with dipping into flex last night...more on that later.

It stopped raining that is for awhile at least so hopefully the runners enjoyed themselves. It's been raining / snowing for 3 days so I saw my window of opportunity to go outside for walk.

373 calories burned/ 6.38K/ 59:39/ Pace 9:21-6:20

It felt like ages since I went outside. It was a bit cold a +2c and windy but refreshing.

Yesterday after I blogged I did the step aerobics again and it still kicked my patootie. WW says I earned 5  AP, Daily Plate says I burned 394 calories. Hmm not sure which way to lean on that. My best plan is to see if I can get Garmin FR60 to measure calories burned on non running/biking activities.

Then a bit later I got a monster headache. It's a tension type headache that takes me forever to shake. I don't get them often but I'm pretty miserable when I do, that just made me want to lay on the couch.

I didn't go to dinner with my friends D and H as all I could handle was silence. D very graciously offered to take me for lunch in Banff with her family today but while my head doesn't hurt as much as yesterday it's still hanging on so I opted to stay home. I'm on a plane again tomorrow and have a super busy day in Fort McMurray so I want to be 100%.

Yesterday for dinner I had spaghetti with organic tomato sauce and 1tbsp light cream cheese. They went to an italian restaurant last night so I had home italian. For the first time I made 56g of spaghetti as opposed to 85g (serving size on the box)-6pts. Right now I have an open box of Barilla spaghetti so this is not a high fibre version. 56g works out to a cup- 4pts. I had it in a soup bowl as opposed to dinner plate so I didn't notice the missing pasta. It was yummy.

Then I dipped into flex points thanks to some Oreos. That's o.k I had  a brand new amount of flex points and I didn't use up all of them (have done that before). I also didn't gobble them down, I ate slowly which is also new for me especially with Oreos.

Yesterday while in Walmart I bought a second simple digital scale and set of measuring cups to take to work. I'm really liking this WW/ Daily Plate combo as I find I can track more specifically as opposed to guessing. Last week I had veggie sushi one day and trying to track that is a bit of guessing due to the size of the individual sushi. I find there's a lot of variation just with veggie sushi. On Daily Plate I can do the serving size by grams and you can do this on WW online/etools as well. I weigh my banana without the skin before eating it so I know the exact points. If you've been reading this blog for awhile you know I'm a geek :)

I also picked up Charlaine Harris' new Sookey Stackhouse book "Dead in the Family". I was trying to wait for paperwark but I just couldn't. If you didn't know the tv show True Blood is based on these books.

The day is flying by and I have some housework to do and my class starts in June so I need to get myself sorted.

Hope you're having a great Sunday.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Thanks for checking out my blog! I am actually doing it on my own this time. My hubby just graduated from the Police Academy and is looking for a job so $$ is tight but I find that I'm doing okay. This week wasn't great but that's okay. Can't expect every week to be I guess.
