Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Not one single cookie!

I didn't have one single cookie during my site visit this week. I think this is the first time that's ever happened.

After I have the oatmeal for breakfast I go to the "to go" kitchen and pack my lunch for the day. I have to walk by a wall of pastry and cookies. I totally ignored it and grabbed the turkey on whole wheat sandwich, some raw cauliflower and celery and an apple.

This morning when I again packed my lunch in the camp kitchen I grabbed what I thought was the turkey on whole wheat sandwich (it was ham), some chickpea salad and an orange. The sandwiches weren't labelled so I had to guess. This time walking past a table with all the cookies, pastries and muffins.This afternoon when the long days started to get to me I did not go to the vending machine and buy a chocolate bar instead I chewed a piece of gum.

On the plane home I did not get chips, cheezies or a chocolate bar as a snack. I got a fruit bar and bottle of water. Shazaam!!!

Monday after work I went straight to the camp gym and stayed on the treadmill for an hour. I would change the speed every song and found that kept we pretty focused as I tend to bore myself on the treadmill for long periods. My coworker friend stopped by to say she wasn't working out and going to dinner instead. I still had 25min to complete on that treadmill so I said see ya tomorrow and I went for dinner on my own after my workout. 6.8K/ 360 calories burned/ 1hr 10min/ Pace 9:17-8:12.

Tonight when I got home I discovered my milk was bad and I had the thought that I could buy breakfast tomorrow. Then I thought well that's stupid so I headed down to Mac's and got a 1L of milk so I could have breakfast at home tomorrow. I did not fall prey to the Oreos that were in my line of site the moment I walked in. I was tired and feeling a wee off as it was quite a turbulent flight today.

Anytime I started to waiver I just chanted "170" in my head. The game plan to stay focused tomorrow.

Hope you had a fabulous Monday and Tuesday, I'm going to finish watching BL and head to bed.

Talk to you tomorrow.


  1. I am sending 170 vibes into the univeres for you!!! What's your take on BL?

  2. Your willpower rocks! Way to go! :)
