Sunday, May 09, 2010

Handy Girl

I fixed my fence today and I'm quite proud of myself as I did it all on my own. I'm quite happy I was raised to be practical with this sort of stuff.

I'm all packed for my weekly trip and I'm now contemplating what to make for dinner.

Yesterday I was getting a wee bored so I took myself for a walk and I went a different route. I stuck close to home going around one block and then adding more. This is what I often refer to as my extra loops. It was nice to change the scenery a bit. Most of the blocks are about 1km.

369 calories burned/ 59:47/ 6.42K/ Pace 9:18-6:18
Heart rate: Avg 75%, Max 6%

I haven't headed out yet today as I wanted to get all the little chores done and now I'm looking at the sky to see what it's deciding to do. Earlier the weather reports said chance of thunderstorms but so far nothing so I'll see if that's passed. It sort of looks like the sun is trying to make an appearance. I had debated taking the day off from exercise and just be focused on food. I also realized I'm never guaranteed a treadmill at site so I should earn some AP today.

I usually spend weekends all on my own. I don't get lonely but I can get bored so activity is proving to be an excellent way to counter that.

The 10% key chain is now attached to my house keys and will serve as an anchor to keep my thoughts focused on getting to my next mini goal which is 170.

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms and I hope everyone had a great Sunday.


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