Thursday, April 08, 2010

Kind of sad

My Mom
October 11, 1930 - April 8, 2002

Today is the day that my mom passed away 8 years ago. Yes that seems like a long time ago but it still made me a little sad today.

For most of the day I was pretty busy so I could keep it in check. My lovely friend/coworker gave me a lovely plant. She reads this blog which is how she knew, other than that I didn't really talk about at work.

It was another co-workers birthday which made it a bit odd. Happy occasion overshadowed by sad occasion.

On the way home is when it got a little rough as I was now by myself. I always buy flowers on this day. After that was done I got a little teary eyed. The weather matched my mood as it started to rain and then turned into snow.

I know she's in a much better place now. In a sense I lost her before she actually died as she suffered from dementia. The mother I knew was gone a few years before the corporal being ended.  I know she wouldn't want me to be sad but sometimes one just can't help it.

The picture is from before she was ill so in this picture she's the mom I prefer to remember. Not the greatest picture as I had to take a picture of the picture to get on here.

No walking today thanks to the high winds and crazy snow. Eating has been so-so. Dinner was pretty much snacking as I wasn't in the mood to cook.

Tomorrow will be a better day, in the meantime please cherish all those you love.



  1. Anonymous11:07 AM

    My mom passed in 1997, and the anniversary will always be hard.
