Friday, April 09, 2010

Back to regular scheduled programming

Despite yesterday's snow storm with 94K winds and a rather slippery walk to the bus stop today was a pretty good day.

It flew by for me as I was pretty busy at work and super focused on the points after yesterday's snack fest.

The wind is a wee chilly for me to go for a walk so I think I'll just chill today or maybe checkout a workout video..that's a maybe. All the snow is gone from my lawn which is good.

Weighed myself when I got home from work and saw a super decent number which will serve as motivation to not do anything stupid tonight.

Right now I'm watching my new favourite cooking show "Bitchin Kitchen" It's hilarious, the host has spunk, the recipes are super easy (not necessarily healthy) but we're only 2 episodes in. It's like a cooking show mixed with a sitcom. It's Canadian, my goodness we're a cheeky country - aren't we?

That's all I got



  1. I saw bitchin kitchen for the first time the other day and was laughing my head off, was so funny, really like it.

    Sounds like we got the worst of the snow, here in fort mac we have about 20-25cm of snow since last night and still going strong :(

  2. Anonymous12:41 PM

    I'll have to check it out! I love Can Con.
