Saturday, March 06, 2010


It's been a busy week and I've felt a little like I've been running on fumes. I was absolutely zonked yesterday. I was talking to my dad at 6pm and couldn't stop yawning.

So I headed to bed just before 9pm and set my alarm for weigh in. I always get up a couple of hours before I leave for WI to let the body settle (trust me it makes a difference).

Well I heard my alarm go off and decided to hit snooze...then I woke up on my own at 10am. I didn't hit snooze I had hit off. I have a sharper image alarm clock that I adore but all the buttons are more touch pad than actually buttons. The snooze is directly in front of the off. I slept through weigh in...duh.

When I got up I weighed myself on my home scale and it was saying .5 up from weigh in last week. Due to the discrepancies between my scale and ww's scale (all over the map) plus the conditions where not the same to do a comparison to last week; I'm counting this week as missed as I'm only counting the WW weigh ins.

I'll be honest with myself it wasn't a great week. I wasn't in the zone, if that makes any sense.

This is a new week, I've been to the grocery store and stuck to my list. I found a new flavour of Kashi granola bars "Dark Chocolate Coconut". I'll be trying that later as a snack. I also picked up a box of the peanut butter ones that Enz suggested. I have today completley planned food wise.

Walked the 2.3k to the grocery and store and the 2.3k back with about 30lbs of groceries in my backpack. A mega walk is planned for after lunch as it's gorgeous in Calgary and should be +9 and I'm rolling my mat out later on for a solid practice. I've been neglecting the yoga lately and it definitely helps me to stay focused and in the moment.

I hope the weather is nice wherever you are and that you have a fabulous Saturday.



  1. Hope you have a great weekend and you get back on track - today! :)

  2. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Don't even get me started on the difference between Weight Watchers Scale and my home. Sometimes it's better, occasionally worse - up to 5 pounds different. Just crazy!
