Thursday, March 04, 2010

Random food reviews

So I've been trying some new stuff lately and thought I'd share.

These are Maple Leaf Prime Stuffed Chicken Breast - Prosciutto and Swiss

What I liked: Individually portioned with the cooking instructions on each individual package. Love that.

What I didn't like: Way too salty in taste, I'm not sure if it was because of the Prosciutto.
I'm open to trying one of the other types as it clocks in at roughly 4pts per breast (for this version anyway). I'm intrigued by the Portobello, Roasted Red Pepper and Swiss version but have yet to find it in any of the grocery stores I go to.

These are Kellog's Special K Mocha Flavoured Bars

What I liked: Well hello 90 calories and I love Mocha
What I didn't like: I found them way too sweet, I didn't finish the first one I tried.

These are Kellog's Special K Fruit Crisps (I tried the blueberry flavour).

What I liked: 2 bars for 100 calories and they taste like cold pop tarts (my formerly preferred way of eating Poptarts)
What I didn't like: Nothing, not one issue with this one.

I know they're all packages and why yes I try to eat clean every so often the convenience of packages appeals to me.

In my latest issue of Nutrition Action Health Letter (Canadian version) they gave a shout to Bob's Red Mill Buttermilk Pancake & Waffle mix as it has no refined grains  - will definitely give these a try and hoping to find it this weekend.

They also mentioned Kashi Chewy Granola Bars (my favourite is the Cherry Dark Chocolate version) for not having crisp rice. What's funny is my go to snack on the plane ride home from snack is a granola bar (not Kashi) and I actually noticed the crisp rice this time. Next week I'm bringing my own granola bar and it will be a Kashi. If you want more info on the Newsletter go to their publisher's website.

Other than that not a lot going on in my world other than I've been fairly busy and totally disorganized. Had a promising chat with big wig at work so that was alright. Right now all I'm looking forward to is the weekend to chill.



  1. Kashi peanut bars are my favourite. Have you tried the Kellogg's crackers yet? I keep meaning to pick up some up when I'm in the US and forget.

  2. I too love the special K fruit crisps! They are scrumptious ;o)
