Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Mud is defeated

Hello hello,

The rubber boots faired well with a slight chafing on my chins but I can fix that. Most of the mud had dried up but by end of day it was back and I could road test the boots. Soon it will be dust season and I can bring out the hiking shoes.

Food went very well yesterday and I hit the treadmill for 45min. I was tired and my stomach was grumbling like crazy but I did it. I then headed to dinner, shower then bed but I did watch the 20/20 special –The Bachelor - Behind the rose. Slept better tonight even with hearing the person next door.

It’s quite funny to watch what people choose for their food options. Yesterday when I got off the plane I went straight to the kitchen for breakfast and had a bowl of oatmeal. This guy across from me had 3 croissants, 2 fried eggs and whack of hashbrowns. There is some super physical work here so of these people definitely need fuel but this guy was not one of those people. Of course I was a wee jealous about the croissants. Thankful that I didn’t see them before I grabbed the oatmeal.

I need to take my Nike+ out for a spin with my Garmin. Nike + said I burned 309 calories in the 45min and I’m not so sure that compares to the Garmin. Calories would be based on intensity and length of time so I’m curious on if they’re similar measuring pace. Of course Garmin is talking to satellites and Nike + is talking to the doohickey on my shoe.

One of the things I find hard about site is no scale. I am a daily weigher and can handle that, I know many who don’t like it and you have to do what works for you. I approach it in more of an analytical manner and find it fascinating how weight can fluctuate. This is experiment week for me so I’m particularly interested to see what the scale does day to day.

Tomorrow I get to pick up my new glasses so I’m geeked about that. I get a paid day off on Friday and I’m home all week next week so some mega meal planning will have to take place. I’m thinking of heading to not my usual grocery store for some different options like broccoflower, borsht and Lilydale Turkey sausages which my grocery store doesn’t carry. I’m thinking of doing this Thursday after work so it’s just done. We shall see.

Hope the past few days have gone well with you and I look forward to catching up on all your blogs.


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