Sunday, March 14, 2010

An experiment

Hello my friends,
I hope your Sunday is going well.

I was flipping through some old ww journals and I came across some of my wendie plan notes. Way back when I would have an additional notebook where I tracked a type of chart that had the total daily points and weigh ins. I haven't done that in a long time but I thought I'd revisit it. This morning I created an excel spreadsheet that I'll use from now until Vegas (mid August).

I also decided to try a bit of a wendie plan this week. If you're unfamiliar with this it's not ww endorsed but it's based on ww. It's taking your points and then dividing them through the week unevenly. So your not eating the same amount of points each day. This person named Wendie discovered she had better weigh in when there was a high point day in her week i.e. Christmas, Thanksgiving. Just by adding the flexpoints here and there is a bit like the wendie plan. The old wendie plan was based on the 123 program so you had points ranges as opposed to set pts plus flex points. For example at my weight now I'd have a range of 22-29 pts per day.

I have yet to figure out what I should be doing i.e. use the flexpoints, don't use the flexpoints. I usually wind up using them anyway but I'd like it to be more planned than a "whoops" scenario. I took a look at my current tracker and did see better results on weeks I ate uneven points.  I looked back at my old tracking in the notebook and saw the same thing. I did a little research on anything involving wendie plan and the current momentum plan and I found this. So this week I'm going to plan my flexpoints in advance to see how it goes. I have 3 weigh ins till my skin check and part a of my general physical. The mission is still to hit the 170s. Wendie never ate her activity points and just planned her heavier activity days on days she had higher points. I haven't been conscioulsy eating my activity pts either using flex over activity.

Yesterday I headed out for a 7.3K walk and burned 448 calories. Since Saturday is my weigh in day I decided to make sure my highest point day landed there. I tried some of the new Delissio thin crust pepperoni and fire roasted tomato pizza. It was awesome and left overs are in the freezer. As today is a lower point day I decided to focus on yoga as my activity. I walked on Friday and Saturday so I thought it would be good do something different today. I'll keep you posted on how the experiment goes.

I've prebooked the cab for tomorrow morning and got out my footwear. You can see what site has done to my red winter boots with the warming temperatures and mud. This week the rubber boots are coming with me. I still needed something that screamed girly. I think they'll work. Plus the mud will just wipe off.

Alright my friends, hopefully I'll get good sleep tonight and not be a walking zombie like last week.



  1. Hi, thanks for your comment.

    Send me an email (it's in my profile) and I will send you the html code - Tamara (One last kick at the cat) sent it to me. Then you just put your username in place of mine and paste the code into the html widget in blogger.


  2. I love your welligogs! I've wanted a pair for years, sadly, my calves are too fat.
