Saturday, March 27, 2010

The drama of self thought

"The only thing harder than learning from experience is not learning from experience"

This was the quote of the day at my WW meeting this morning. Today we talked about challenges and overcoming them. The meeting started off with people talking about what they've tried before and lessons learned. One woman said something that stuck with me, she was talking about how she hit goal and then thought she was done. She's back because she has work to do. Then Clare asked for all the lifetime members to but up their hands - there were at least 10.

Now I'm still a ways away from goal but I think it's good to realize that what I'm doing is not short term. Embracing a healthier lifestyle is a life long journey.

I was down 0.2 today. I can't say I wasn't disappointed. Then the self thought kicked in and went something like this:

  • Was it the one beer before weigh in?
  • Did I estimate the cheese plate wrong?
  • Did I estimate the Keg dinner wrong?
  • Did I get too much activity?
  • Is it the messing up on my BC pills a few weeks back that I took two packs back to back?
  • Is it that I'm pms-ing?
  • Could it be you went over 10pts this week but you earned 20.5 APs?
This is happening at a rapid pace in my head when my leader Clare says to me - You're averaging one pound a week that's great.

In the last 12 weeks I've lost 12.2lbs. Of course I'd like to be averaging a bit more than that but on the other hand I didn't see a gain today and quite often during this time I'd be up 2lbs.

If you've been reading this blog for awhile you know I'm strong believer in learning the lesson and moving forward so that's what I'm going to do.

Shortly I'll be heading out for a mega walk as the weather is lovely despite a wee windy. I've already earned 2 APs today as I walked to weigh in and back with a backpack full of groceries (4.6K ish) Today is also all about the housework. I want to get all the chores done today.

Tomorrow I want to head to the mall to pick up a few things plus get in another walk.

I'm off to site again this week so I'll have to get organized for that as well.

Alright my friends I'm going to change and head out. Might be back later.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Great progress!

    I love that quote. Thanks for sharing it. :)
