Thursday, February 04, 2010

What gym ?

OMG you guys I haven't been to a gym since Monday and haven't done yoga since Sunday. I have fallen off the activity wagon this week. Not sure why exactly.

Tonight I plugged out 30min on Wii Fit but I'm having an altercation with Oreos.

I don't get it. I'm focused but distracted this week. It's like my head is elsewhere perhaps some self evaluation with the journal is necessary. Perhaps I need to get back into the groove of reading the Beck book. I abandoned it awhile ago so it's waiting to be picked up again.

Not a lot to update today but there's always tomorrow.


1 comment:

  1. Me too! About the Oreos! Dont tell anyone, but I was in such a funk one day last week that I ate an entire bag of Double Stuff! YIKES! Im back on the treadmill and I am getting a Wii with my tax check (cant wait!)....get back on the wagon, put the Oreos behind you and refocus.....YOU CAN DO IT!
