Saturday, February 06, 2010

No use hiding

I was expecting a gain this week as my behaviour last week was not how one should approach a weigh in whatsoever.

I weighed myself at home before leaving for WW and I was up .4 - That's o.k I thought I can handle that. I get to the meeting and I weigh in and it says up 1.2 - what!!!!

Again the gain didn't surprise me, it was the discrepancy between my home WW scale and the meeting's WW scale that did.

No matter, I know what caused it and I know how to fix it.

Last week I tracked but I didn't track in real time. What I mean by that is I would track my breakfast and then track lunch and dinner after they'd been eaten. Not smart I must say. My little Oreo incident is a good example, I knew they're 3pts for two in the back of my head but I didn't listen to my head as I ate them. It was later when I tracked them and thought "crap".

As I stepped on the scale at WW I told my leader I had a bad week. She looked at me and said "You've come back recently, it's normal to have rough weeks the important thing is to know what happened". Good point Clare, I know what happened and I'm super fueled to have a kick ass weigh in this week.

I don't want to get in the habit of a fabulous week and then a terrible week but all I can do is take one week at a time.

This week my company is having a Winter Olympic Opening Ceremony shindig on Friday night. I'm taking the day off that day to give myself an extra long weekend. I think I'll weigh in Friday at noon instead of Saturday am. I have a feeling Friday night will be a party and I want to celebrate instead of worrying about the scale the next day.

Acitivity is a priority this week as last week was lackluster. My tracking will be pre-planning this week and to really think about what I'm going to consume. Water wasn't so fantastic either. I always got in a minimum of a litre but not my 2L goal.

So this weeks plan is:
Sunday - 1hr walk outside (it's supposed to be -4 today), 40min yoga
Monday - 45 walk treadmill
Tuesday - 40min yoga
Wednesday - 30min Wii Fit, 40min yoga (I have an eye appointment right after work)
Thursday - 45min walk treadmill
Friday - 40min yoga, plus a walk perhaps as the weather is supposed to be decent.

I'll be day short this week as I'll have 6 days between weigh ins as opposed to 7.
Diligence is a priority.

I didn't stay for the meeting this week as my Dad was coming into town and I was meeting him directly after weigh in. I did see one word on the board that struck home - Resilience - the ability to recover quickly from setbacks.

This is why they call weight loss a battle. I didn't win this week's battle but I will win the war.


1 comment:

  1. I havent been to WW in forever, but Im having very similar problems at home. I have a great day one day, and then the next is off. Like you said, all you can do is try to win the next battle. Good luck this week!
